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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

This map can't be used in leagues other than KSL.
modified by Sarin
Why are you so afraid that some one might actually use your maps? O_o

Anyway, I kinda like this one. Troy Gate madness is an interesting concept for an island map. However, there's lots of wasted space and a scarcity of expos. I think the map woule be more intersting if you remodeled it with another expansion and some alternative routes around the map. Maybe you could just add another expansion at about 3/6/9/12:30 o'clock and connect it to both the adjacent mineral only and natural.
KSL is a luxury league. Only KSL has the right to use luxury maps.
ASL gave a lot of disappointment.
And because you are in KSL.
You are an Amazing Mapper. I trust your maps.
It was only after I saw the map 'Endless Field' and 'Everflow' that I started making maps in earnest.
You gave me cultural shock, sensitivity and inspiration.
You're like a mentor to me.
You have to take responsibility for me. LOL

That's a good idea, but I saw a different perspective in Null Space. This area is unique to the island map, where only air combat can take place without ground forces interfering. Zerg's airborne units are particularly vulnerable to the ground unit magic of Protoss. Therefore, the method for Zerg was to reduce the ground as much as possible and induce air warfare.
Well, if you intend these to be submitted to LatiAs' map competition – I think he's only looking for maps for Afreeca-run leagues…

The problem is that there is no actual reason to even fight over empty space.
Protoss on the other hand tend to excel in pure island maps that allow for almost no ground movements (e.g. Sparkle), just because of how much they can do with very little (Reaver drops + Corsairs for early air dominance). Lack of ground mobility takes Hydras out of the equation as well as Tank/Goliath for Terran (so fighting against Carriers becomes a gamble of Wraiths managing to snipe all the Observers fast enough). On the other hand having a second entrance to the nat would actually give Protoss something to worry about against Zerg in the early game.
modified by Freakling
I have already official announcement that I will not be participating in the Latis map contest.
The use of maps is prohibited in leagues other than KSL.

That is accurate.
And there is the advantage of eliminating the boredom of the early part of the island map.
Could you tell me more specifically about 3/6/9/12:30 o'clock?
The island map TvP Laputa 0.95 has a pro gamer 'Replay'. Watch

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