sWaGu | | |
there are alot of bases reachable by inbase. 1 is practically an island base. the min only has 2 32min blocks. i couldnt think of anything creative for the middle. modified by sWaGu |
neobowman | | |
Four easy bases is far too much. Especially with gas. You only need to hold a natural choke and one other small ramp and you have basically secured all the expansions you need up until late game. T>P>Z is generally the result of this. |
coV | | |
Make 12,11,6, and 5 mineral only. |
sWaGu | | |
u think decreasing the amount of min patches and the min amounts will even it out? and the gas bases at the edge of the skinny strip are practically islands |
coV | | |
The expo is more safe there, it's like a backdoor expansion if the gas stays there. It's not technically an island 'cause it's still walkable, it'll just cause pathing issue when the units are trying to go to that expo if it's being attacked.
An example would be like Medusa. If that backdoor had a gas more people would choose to expo there instead of their regular nat. |
sWaGu | | |
i dont think so |
sWaGu | | |
but i think ill leave the gas at a lower value. sort of like god's garden |
LasTCursE | | |
i think it will be boring gameplay because the expos looks too easy to take and not so easy to harass .. :/ |
sWaGu | | |
- the main has 8 mins
- the nats have 6 1000 blocks and 4000 gas
- the back bases have 5 1500 blocks and 2000 gas
- the inbase min onlys have 6 750 blocks
- middle
- enlarged ramps in the outside gas bases
now wat? modified by sWaGu |
LasTCursE | | |
now fix the picture xD |
sWaGu | | |
fixed it |
Freakling | | |
The expo layout still wins every turtle contest. |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
make the backdoor expo easyli harassable
and put a low mineral field in the 4thgas expo, this will make a nice backdoor
oh you already did it :o modified by ProTosS4EveR |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
I really like this map, the concept is great.
But I honestly think its to many easy expos u have to delete some.
I would personally delete the nat, and i would just put a standard bridge instead of it.
That way u can make all min paches ans gassier's normal amount.
And of course the deco and the doodads.
But really good map the I see promise on this 1. |
sWaGu | | |
im planning to make the backdoor min only a seperate expansion but keep the nat and stuff. make the long skinny back base barely buildable forcing u to use units for protoection making it harrassable. wat do u think? |
coV | | |
YES! CHANGE THE BACKDOOR TO MIN ONLY! But I do think the second nat is still secured IMO... |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
The only thing I really don't like about map is distance nat 2 nat, and that if u loose ur nat u can get the hell contained out of u, and considering the nearness of nats, re-enforcements can come super quick. |
sWaGu | | |
well the nat 2 nat thing was not on purpose but i think that it will become more aggressive games.
and yes coV. i will change on backdoor to a min only like medusa only this min only will be alot more harder to defend. and the other backdoor will be seperated from the main completely and a seperate expansion.
so the map will become more like medusa only the games will be more faster i think. |
MorroW | | |
i just think this is a bad version of holy war |
coV | | |
Jihad |
sWaGu | | |
- made one of the back bases a min only
- put a min block back on main mins
- made the other back base a seperate expansion
- made pretty much the whole mid unbuildabe |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
What did you do with the 3rd gas? The backdoor was teh1337

You should do something like that, then you still have the backdoor
Good thing i downloaded the previous version u_u modified by ProTosS4EveR |
sWaGu | | |
but what would it accomplish? aside from room to use up? i dont get it
and i didnt renew the file. just the pic |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
keep the backdoot, it's a nice one. take 3rd gas at your own risks |
sWaGu | | |
i see
any other comments on the changes i made? |
ProTosS4EveR | | |
i tried to place a hightemple at the backdoor minoyl, but there is enough space only at east and west :( |
sWaGu | | |
y a high templle?
any objections if i put the back door back and make the nat unFE able like enaray |