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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Well i really didn't want to destroy the first version, so i make this one.

I change:

1) No High Temple Wall, it's High Rised Jungle now, and the mains a little larger. And actually i was forced to do that, becaue this was the only way that i could make a terran wall with one barrack, that it workes vs zerglings(this time it workes really :) ).

2) Add the ramps that we were talking about in the first version, and some doodads, arount them...

And now i am thinkig of making more ramps, look at GMCS, so that way it will be fair, for all locations in all sorts of MU. Do you think it's a good idea?
i like this version more, improved imo

btw, people shoudl stop make 2.0-maps and just stick to their first version and improve it
there is no need for 2 versions when you don't really intend to develop both parallelly
Sorry, i just like the first version very much, and i really want to keep it. Also i am thinking of making the mains from this version same on the first version, but with ramp. Just to make them wider and delte the Temple Wall.

So what about the GMCS, do you think it will be better? I think it will be... Your comment?
Can anyone comment the GMCS? Shall i finish it?
hm, imo not.
would be too messy when attacking then...
it's already very close distances, and I think it's enough

just personal opinion, though
Looks better. Very interesting now. The extra ramp there creates an extra path and opens up the center somehow. I like this version better than the old one, but that's personal taste. Gj!
I dont like how the nats are above ground then curled behind the ramp. Makes it so hard to attack. Other than that I love the map.
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omg, Enter key was pressed -_-
Ehm.. Highround part of map is TOO SMALL. Passages should be at least 3 times wider to balance PvT.
Well this is still the main lol! But it's like a labirinth main, with 2 entries :), to balance. And the main entry(wich is small - yes) makes the backdoor ramp very useful, and i think it will be very used, in games. I think that they are gonna be intresting battles near the mains. And i repeat myselft again, from other topics too. If terran camps in his main, kingdom, fortress or whatever, the other player will own the map, so what is the problem?
The problem is about another two mains + exp + minonly easy defendable by T.
Oh, no you are very wrong, about the min only, it's not easy at all to defend. Pleace watch this replay it's from the old version, but still i want to see what is to take an expand like the min only... A protoss or zerg army could come from 4 sides, and they are all wide enought! This is the most hard expand to defend for me, with terran, really.
And a big thanks to Listoric and Starparty, for the very good ideas, they give. And the others who helped in the better progress in this map.
ok, this is very personal:
In my opinion, the center-ruins seem very isolated, so do the little jungle-parts. they somehow don't fit that good because they look "stamped" onto the map. it's hard to explain what I mean, but they're somehow not connected to the rest of the map.

the 3 and 9h expos have only permanent rocks around them, I would lighten up those areas with a few spots where dirt "sparkles" through them, so it's not one large area but has a few random holes (where you could put doodads then =) )
maybe you can also make the mainbases bigger somehow... seem very small, for there is not much building space around the map anywhere else
It's a little impossible to make them larger :), the patchs are gonna become very tight. And i already play the map, the space seems to be enought. Well in game i really don't care about space. I just build whatever i see a free spot :). I only got a special building style with terran for Factorys, wich is very good (imo), you might see my style in some repleys.
well, esp. at purple's base I would NOT know how to build some factories properly...
Damn it i can't make an obz version... Everytime when i try and the players who play have also vis to each other too. I copy paste from other obz version maps, but it's the same. Help!
read the article... Don't forget that players should not be allied/vision to each other.
I read the article, before doing this. Now i will write just what i did.

Delete trigers, place 4 start locations for obz, make them in Force 2, they are humen too. I put triggres from still in love (for example i try from other maps too). And thats it.
THAT's NOT IT. you need to unally players too..
Ok, now it works fine, sorry i've missed this part of the article...

So obz version add :)
Obs version fixed :X

You have to make all observers a preset race, otherwise they will get their 4workers+building like the players :[
Ops... Thx :) .

But i test the map with 2 players and one observere and everything was fine.
Yes, it's an interesting map.
Btw, Play.sTrAtO vs MgZ)DuKuSo(1on1, 1.13) is a little brutal game >:E
the dentist
this looks soo terran favoring, tight everywhere, free expo for T

--LGI vs MyLifeAiur(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI, FERARI_MEN vs Fresh_Maker, Color_Protoss(2on2, 1.13)
--panschk[FP] vs F3nix(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs Nichy(1on1, 1.13)
--O_OMx vs, 1.13)
-- vs Scout(1on1, 1.13)
-- vs Scout(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs ArtOfZergG(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs 25TaLife(1on1, 1.13)
--sC4s]StInG vs uNbeL1vaBLe(1on1, 1.13)
--sC4s]StInG vs UKIO(1on1, 1.13)
--Play.sTrAtO vs MgZ)DuKuSo(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI, razar vs BonusA, elentqnin(2on2, 1.13)

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