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Last update for (2)Dark Origin : 2007, 06, 30 02:16
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2313 (2)Dark Origin 128*128Deathman1012.6beta

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Hey guys its my first island map, i spent my longest ever on this one...roughly 5 hours. I tried to apply enough deoration to brighten twilight up...its soooo dark.

Balance-wise: I made nat a little far away to account for it being on a connection to main.

Backdoor Ramp (in middle): This is for drops!

As always its beta so comments will be much appreciated. Try not to be harsh as this is my first island map.

Gameplay (recently added):
The gameplay is all based on the middle,I make a prediction all the fights will occur there. My reasn for this is because as joel said, the min-only is impossible to fight over, it will make you want to have that expansion but you will have a hard time to keep that position. This is my first gameplay idea ever...
modified by Deathman101
OK map but does not blow me away. Then again I always look for the unusual. I don't know to what extent Terran may gain an advantage by flying a command center to the gas expo early in the game. I don't like the backdoor ramps in the middle.
BD ramps used to have min block, u prolly dont like em because they serve as a disadvantage :P.

I think I will ad a min block...i had been considering it but was gonna wait for some feedback.
Yeah, but if you place a min block there, i think nobody will use it.
I mean on tha gas lol
-Added a 0min block at small island gas expos
-Fixed an inverted ramp

If someone cant see the update press ctrl+f5
modified by Deathman101
Comments Where Are You?
jeez, a full day and no comments
The middle expos are useless and impossible to fight over imo, they're I think too close. It's an air map, players will have a lot of mobility. I'm pretty sure I've seen a map here before that was almost the exact same thing. Just nothing new here =/ Look pretty tight, but with a lack of gas, which will make for very slow gameplay I bet.
It's not bad though. Probably one of your better maps, if by accident =/
So I should just remove the min-only in mid?

Wow really??? I ddnt know lol...the is the first map I actually drew a plan.

Believe me its not tight

Oh yea...I forgot to add gas at nat :(
Added gas to natural
for some reason I have an instinct that removing the nat will effect gameplay...alot. Thats why I ddnt remove tha min-only.
I know it now...I wouldnt do it because it would destroy the gameplay I was going for, that expo makes you think you want to control middle which is very hard to defend so you try your hardest to make a push outta the cliff.

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