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Last update for (2)Utopia : 2007, 08, 03 23:32
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2350 (2)Utopia 128*128WHiTeSTRiPeS-0.1beta

The map has been rated 57 times and got a total of 5 points


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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

Hey guys, I finally made an account so i can comment :D

-Originally supposed to be three player map; got frustrating, and made it into 2 player
-3 full expos, 1 min only expo, 1 "island" expo
-24x2 min blocks leading to "island" expo
-"Backdoor" 2000x2 =4000 hp total
-Psi Emittersx2 (Powerups) in each "hole", can be picked up with a worker (once unloaded from a dropship of course) and then killed to strategically place the emitter to block ramps, block certain paths, etc. *NOTE: I have suggested this many times to my players, but they still continue with normal gameplay*

-Statistics (evenly matched players)
ZvT Z 2-0
PvZ P 1-0
TvP P 5-1

There have been WAY more games, but these games have been the closest, the players had equal skill levels, and the games were longer.

Name doesn't match the map too well.

The fields of doodads looks ugly as hell.

Sorry, kinda rushed this comment so I didn't help much.
i like it but it wont work i think
its favouring some races in some matchups very hard :/
i would change following things:

move "black" expo more to the sides (because expos in the middle are allways very dumb, no player will take them because they are so easy to attack etc)

make bluemarked ramps wider

make purpe marked area walkable, those "island expo" favours turtlewhorestyle very much, so u make it more open.
so imagine player @1 wanna take expo @9, but he has to pass mineralblock and the way form his main is much tighter then from main@5, so its hard to defend for him :)
means that he better take the other corner expo which is near to player@5, this means lots of action :)

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modified by Crackling
the doodad combination to get an alternative for solar array looks very interesting. how does it look/feel in game?
@ Flo it looks just fine (to me) in game, but alot of the players didnt REALLY use that path, and when they did, they didnt really like it either. they said it looks unnatural, and now that i look at it, it does seem that way ;/
Finally fixed map, according to Crackling's suggestions (i accidently confused the expo i was going to move, but it ended up turning out ok)

Thanks again crackling for helping :D

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