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Last update for (4)Corrosive : 2008, 03, 16 20:50
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2883 (4)Corrosive 128*128NastyMarine2.6betaground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

pure sex, nasty map

two minor things:
- are the temple ruins at the nats necessary?
- small problem with a tile of a bridge, gcms

you don't even need doodads for this map to look good
is it supposed to look like the skull sign.
can't say i dislike the map,but the concept itself is too minimalist for a 128* managed to have a smaller middle than in my 128*96 - embryo,even the nat surface is smaller.too much useless space for me;space that you could use to make the map more interessting - also,you have drafted the mains to big.

but don't get me wrong,i don't see major issues,either in the map constitution nor in playability

what i would do:

redesign the mains,also decorate them.maybe try to add on each of them a minonly like in antares map,revelation.idk the middle of the map looks at present a little boring,not entirely elaborated - think about
fixed tiles
surprise surprise I'm not impressed :(

There isn't much to the map, I know you can make better. I hope this is just a warm-up map to get you back into the habit of making maps, so that you'll make more, and better maps, in the coming future ._.
added more decoration
lol not much
Size of the middle seems fit as there is not that much money on the map (at least it's not that easy to get). Yep, it is fairly boring conceptwise.

The high number of islands could lead to a more air/drop dominated gamestyle, which would be cool seeing as how most current maps are played as ground only.

I would suggest to adjust the minerals on the islands to really work as forte-style minerals. I doubt that there will be no wandering between the clusters.
i think the decoration could be much better

i dont see many balance issues, might be hard to fe for zerg (cuse of distances and its pretty open)
thats how a maps has to be
lol where do u see skull(s)?

--NastyMarine vs Vagrant[Pain](1on1, 1.15)

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