| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Station Vigilant : 2007, 07, 23 10:30
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2357 | (2)Station Vigilant | 128*96 | ImaGiNe. | 0.1 | beta | | The map has been rated 41 times and got a total of 5 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
imagine. | | | I was recently introduced to this site from a friend and have learned a great deal from your articles. I would like to know what you guys think? What should I add? What should I remove?
Comments and criticism welcome! Thanks in advance! | flothefreak | | | -gas issue at mains; you can easily correct this
-mineral wall kills unit pathing
-map seems quite tight
-i dont think your 2 entrance-concept is balanced, racialwise | ImaGiNe. | | | Thanks flothefreak for the reply!
I fixed the gas issue, I did not realize that even the slightest angle will give the player a huge disadvantage. I read some more on the Gas Issues Part 2 article and there we go!
Without the mineral wall, wouldn't a Zerg rush defeat a Terran or Protoss player? On another note, the minerals are each set at 32.
It's actually quite big, though I did open up the lower paths more with the fix. I think there is more than enough room now.
What do you mean? Can you explain some more? Thanks again!
| Testbug | | | movement from main to main.
units will chose the shortest route if you just "attack to, ckick on the minimap" and they will stack in the mineral fields.
the natural rutes shouldn't be clocked. As you can see in Ride of Valkyries, the main to main is opened, and the mineral thing is on the other side.
that wide ramp would be some more balanced if it were blocked by sprites.
and south/center should be some more open. | ImaGiNe. | | | Thanks Testbug!
I removed the mineral wall impeding path from main to main. Also widened up center by removing catwalk ramps.
Added more paths to natural by slightly bridging platform terrain.
I was testing out some sprites and the Terran special building sprites seem to fit platform terrain best. However there angle does not complement well with the southeast and northwest ramps. Should I use a Xel'Naga Temple? What do you suggest instead? | flothefreak | | | you need to balance your map first. keep in mind people should actually PLAY them (not only look at). so you need to make it balanced in all MUs |
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