| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Carkoon : 2008, 07, 05 00:45
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 3080 | (4)Carkoon | 128*128 | The_Overmind_77 | 0.3 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 65 times and got a total of 21 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
The_Overmind_77 | | | Ok, so this is my first real attempt at a melee map ever. I tried to make it balanced and unique, but I know that I am no expert and there are many things I could probably work on.
I would love suggestions on how to make it better, aside from remaking the entire thing! I know some of you are notoriously brutal for melee map perfection and that is why I came here, for good suggestions, but then again please try to keep in mind I'm a noob and it's my first shot >
I worked a long time on it and I hope you think it is decent, I kind of sucked at the blending ramps but it's hard with desert!
One of my main concerns is that it may just be too big. Is this just me? Should I downsize it and squeeze into 96*96 or do you have suggestions on how I can usefully fill up space (if you agree)?
Any comments will be appreciated! modified by The_Overmind_77 modified by The_Overmind_77 | Nightmarjoo | | | The map itself is kind of small, doesn't look 128x128 to me.
The map is fairly tight and flankless, and pathing is pretty linear.
The only real thing I can suggest doing to improve the map, is moving down the plateaus at top middle (12 / N) and bottom middle (6 / S) farther from the middle, closer to the edge of the map; and removing most if not all of the sunken pit stuff in the middle. | The_Overmind_77 | | | Thanks for the suggestions.
Ironically, I ended up moving the platforms UP, more towards the center, after I first played it and felt that the map was just too huge in the center.
But maybe it is too small and I was just getting an odd vibe or something.
I might shrink the sizes of the sunken pit stuff and...idk...make some better paths? | The_Overmind_77 | | | I moved back the north and southern platforms a bit. I also added high dirt sections around the middle as well as considerably more doodads (although you probably can't tell in that picture).
Any suggestions on paths, fixes, nuances? I appreciate any help! I'm trying to make this decent.
[edit] Just fixed gases, they were off a tile. modified by The_Overmind_77 | MorroW | | | This post is not displayed due to its content | Crackling | | | i'm not admin anymore so i cant fix pics :( :( | neobowman | | | Good solid map but a bit uninspired but I think that it's a good idea for your first map. | MorroW | | | who cencured my post, im starting to get sick of this site beeing crappy... and i dont point this to everybody |
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