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Last update for (2)Treant : 2008, 11, 27 19:55
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3336 (2)Treant otherMorroW0.4betaground

The map has been rated 65 times and got a total of 27 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

beta, no deco no name no fixing around


balance? fun/boring?
also one issue i found, no ove spot :(
ruins not rocks please
maybe put a min only on the lowground nearer to the corner expo just to encourage more diversity in movement/gameplay/pathing.

Overall very good imo, though I didn't look too in-depthly.
Hm I'm worried that the min only might be a little too tight/safe?
i could move the expo outside it alittle to the middle so thats not a big problem
Pretty weird. You can destroy natural just like with marines. So if zerg exp to 3rd gas to that cliff and terran attack there zerg lose 2 exps in one attack. :b

Natural entrances are pretty odd. That little cliff with ramps can be problem in pvt. 7 and 1 is too far away everything. And I don't really like minonly though there isn't any better place to it.
"You can destroy natural just like with marines"

"So if zerg exp to 3rd gas to that cliff and terran attack there zerg lose 2 exps in one attack."
what are you talking about?

maybe this zerg doesnt know how to build anything else besides hatches and drones t.t

"That little cliff with ramps can be problem in pvt"
how? i dont think terran will sit on it and camp since its unbuildable and it doesnnt really protect a real keypoint.
actually if u removed those ramps and just had dirt there i think it would be better for terran just beacuse protoss can defend early pushes so easily just like in longinus.

why dont u like the minonly? what is wrong with them?
I think marines have enough range to kill drones on the cliff. So if zerg has expanded there and terran comes with marines or (tanks) and destroy expand. Then marines kill drones so natural is like lost, and if there was tanks too terran can destroy hatch too.
modified by SiaBBo
i think it will be fine since zerg players dont mass sunkens anymore. also the distances are very far.
early games llings would just own the marines and later on the mutalisks would come. terran really needs to be home when the mutalisks come. i mean if zerg takes off some drones off the minerals isnt too much damage since terran will loose the game.
update, deco, map playable, open minonly
now looks better ^^
but terran can cliff the nat just getting there BY GROUND! remember that problem in faoi?
the 3 entrances to nat are toot ight, and if terran camps there. protoss won't be able to do nothing

why do you want it to be soo tight?
remember at paranoid android 3rd gass when terran kills both 3rd gass and minonly because minonly was vulnerable to 3rd gass?
here it happens the same but with the nat instead of minonly :S

i was going to make a map like this1, inspired on Ebullition, ask nightmarjoo, we both were talking about that :(
like all of the maps i make are open now i make tight map whats the matter... most new proleague maps are so tight too, doesnt mean its imba. if t just sit and camp p get 5 carrier attack and gg :o
Even if they are promaps it doesn't mean they all are good. Or balanced.
modified by SiaBBo
I think Testbug is right about the nat being cliffable by a land-accessible cliff, maybe add some clutter to prevent tanks from hitting any minerals from the 3rd gas?

As for "tightness", maybe just remove the water?

I reccomend moving the sl 1 or 2 tiles closer to the nat.

Hey what about giving the corner gas expo an 815 ramp near the map edge facing the 3rd gas?
hey you want a replay for this or should I wait for a more finished version?
i dont think there will be newer version so go ahead :)
ok we'll try to get a good one. I mean, you know how well i play, haha but if it helps Im glad to upload for ya.
Well there's two. The first one has better gaming, but the second one might actually help. I killed his workers in the nat from the 3rd gas using lurks.

Hey if any of you could help me actually get better it would be much appreciated. I am... much better than all my friends (they hate playing against me anymore) but I can never win on battle net (maybe because the only people who make non-fastest are koreans.) If you could watch the replays and tell me what I did wrong (even though I won.) that would be great. If you do, comment the replays.
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... no need to be an ass about it. Ive been told any replays help, if mine dont just let me know.
Illisid, I haven't watched the replay. What race are you? What server do you play on? In actual skill I'm bad at all three races, but I understand the basics of every mu except tvt, but I know some basics of tvt. My zerg is approximately C+ iccup, my p is atleast C-, and my t is atleast D+, it's the worst because I barely play it. I have several students who seem to learn a lot from me, maybe I can help you. We can potentially test some maps at the same time.

Testbug, you can flame people for sucking at mapping since this is a mapping forum, but do not flame people for sucking at the game. I could flame you too, and I doubt you'd feel good about that.

Morrow, I hope you don't abandon the map, and that you keep working on the map, especially if you want any support on it for motm. You know that I always will pick a map being worked on over a map which isn't, even if the latter is at-the-moment better.
well i dont see anything that could be better now :O
i just got my b+ yesterday ^^
testbug is nervous these days :D
i think i have to train to raise from my D- :<

--illisid vs BENJAMUS(1on1, 1.15)
--illisid vs BENJAMUS(1on1, 1.15)

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