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Last update for (4)Swa Desis : 2009, 06, 16 11:36
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3688 (4)Swa Desis 128*128sTY_leZerG-eX original idea Excalibur2.6betaground

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Dont really know how to use mediafire truth is I dont really use my cpu , i only use it for starcraft ,music and homework.
Tell me what u think.
It's interesting but it's so different it's like it's not even the same map. O_O

Nat needs one or two less min fields.

Double gas main? Defeats the purpose of the player having to make a choice of which they want first - Mins or gas.

The high dirt walls need to be taken out, open the map up more.

Bridges need to be combined.

I honestly feel like a lot of the original map concept is gone. :C
modified by Excalibur
I know , but as redid and redid the map literally 3 and with this one 4 times the map , i saw more and more imbalances.
Doing rotational symmetry to ur map was really brain damaging lol.
Nats where way to close , mains where to big, and one of the min only expos was more harasable than the other.
I almost actually give up faith with it.

Do u like it ?

If u do do want to work on it, map has no PS ?

I can also explain all i did and why.
Yeah explain because a lot of these changes just seem odd rather than needed.
The reason of why i made the the mains double gas was because there is actually no easy 3rd gas and imo that gas is super important.
Main and nat are super harassable i think players cant actually have to sacrifice gas or mins without an actual race imbalance.
Made a ramp to the island min only , but its blocked by 2staked neutral buildings.Reason:Its just LT all over again.But with that arrangement , it evens things out IMO terran can still do damage without totally foucking other races up.

Players can drop shit at the top such as lurks , temps tanks ...
Players can come in from the sides by removing the min block leading to the nat.
They can aslo come to the nat bu removing the 20 stacked "0" mins.(Mins frome nat 2 low ground min only "12"
IMO they cant have a super big front choke to , i think the 2 bridges like in destination should do it.

The high dirt walls:
They add distance from nat 2 nat(Terran push)Also they make distance from nat and low ground min only longer incurring players to open up they path(Reason 2 keep the bridges)
Map may look a bit tight 2 u but open map with scmdraft2 and ul see its not , there is plenty of space to flank.
firstly, if you make a such supermacromap, you have to make mains with a goos size. Now, your mains are too small
open your map and try to put a lot of depots and factories, gates...
LoL. Where's the 3rd gas?


Need more gas!
Look a bit closer SiaBBo and ul see that main has double gas , plus the nat thats 3 , :)
The double gas in mains has been done before and i think that it will come perfectly with this map , tacking into account how harassable the nats and main are.

Il see what I can do about the mains.
Anything else ?
Ok deco and doodads are up, there are some pretty cool original decorations, see if u can spot them.

Up dates on the map:
-Added a ramp on the 12oclock and 6oclock expos.I also added 2 stacked temples blocking the ramp.

-Added a bridge on the 3oclock and 9oclock expos.There is also 2 staked temples blocking the way.
you forgot 3rd gas for blue and white.....
Use the zoom in on the map picture ProTosS4EveR lol
There are 2 gas and 9 min paches per main, and one gas + 6 minpaches per nat.

Actually If u look at how I arranged the mins and double gassier's they r pretty cool, they are put in a original way.I like it, there is (Per main) a gas with no gas issue and a gas with gas issue.
So if the player knows about what gas issue is they will go first 4 the good 1 first.

modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
Haha this map looks crazy :)

In a good way, that is, it seems to offer a lot of things to do.

However, I think this map can be tedious to play because the mains are so small. All those expansions give the opportunity for massive macro games... but you need to capture one of the other mains in order to have somewhere to build your factories.

(Oups, people have already pointed this out, but I'm gonna press the "Post comment" button anyway!)
Very nice deco.
i was just thinking who made this cool deco. xD

Surprising how a cool deco can really step a map up.
U guys wana know something cool, why did I name the map Swa Desis?

Because if u look at the map pic it looks like there is a BIG "S" and in the middle I put a couple of minerals(they have 8 mins each) with the shape of an S.

sTY_leZerG-eX you got some great decorating skills, map looks better ^^

And that d-web is o.O

-Fixed some imperfections in the deco
-Made all mains a bit bigger(I also tested them, Terran should now have enough room to build at least 11 factories with 5 addons, and plenty suplydepos and all the other 1000 buildings terrans need.)
-Had to take those very cool d-webs :( they would not show up in sc because of the doodads beneath them.I could take off the doodads and put them back should I do that ?
Well that is your choice. If you put the d-web there for decoration then go ahead but if you put it for a purpose then go ahead too.
I just found out that the d-webs cant be placed there because they are in the corners so they are goners :(

I liked them.
I said
"you forgot 3rd gas for blue and white....."
Well, i meant 4th gas.
You can't make 4th gas entrance a bridge for one player and a ramp for the other one, too much positional imbalance.
I understand that you didn't have the place for bridge 4th gas for blue and white, but you should do same terrain layout for every player.

You have too much ressources near the main, first time i see this amount of money. It's 900% turtlesque, protoss can play star photon defence 6 ways perfected version here without thinking about strategy.

Remove that minonly blocked with generator and then you have enough place in the main for everything
Just with the picture i know there isn't enough place for terran
modified by ProTosS4EveR
OK updates:

-Made the semiisland expos of 4oclock and 8oclock, high dirt, they also have 2 stacked temples.

-Removed the high ground semi island min only.
The high dirt is still there tho, so harass there is still possible.(2 stacked neutral buildings blocking btw)

-Fixed little details.

Map Is less mackro heavy than b4 now due to the elimination of 4 expos in total.Map may still be macro orianteted because of the distances between mains and nats.
ok i read about 2 times that you maked updates but i don't see anything different in the picture :D
Removing the bridges would make it more accurate.

And why remove that little mineral island?
Refresh the page if you don't see the new pic.
"And why remove that little mineral island?"
Because there is too much money in the map
I think it worked with the low money nat I had before, but certainly not now.
Why wouldn't it work now?
Main and nat are so harassble from the high dirt drop, the min block(To the nat that have 12) and the 2 stacked min paches leading to the main(Players can be very sneaky with that, out of the top of my head players can:
-ZvP do the ling run by, but not only the normal 1 just get a drone to mine out one of those stacked paches and BAM!
-PvZ squeeze a DT through with a drone trick, if the toss is skilled they dont even have to remove the min pach to get the DT throgh.)

So in addition to that, how can players not have a good number of resources?

I think they should stay does any 1 agree?
I think that If players survive all the harasses and defend properly to them.
They deserve those resources.

On another note what do u guys think of those 6 pylons 4 deco?
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
"On another note what do u guys think of those 6 pylons 4 deco?"

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