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Last update for (4)Dawn Of Dream : 2005, 11, 20 10:58
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
415 (4)Dawn Of Dream 128*128KingFiercer2.1final

The map has been rated 9 times and got a total of 19 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

I think that this map would be better if you widened the center a bit.
I agree with Mushu. Also think about the expos. Do you really need that much?
Also, have you tested wallin? Imo for TvP balance on maps without ramp, 1-rax wallin is helpfull.
1 barrack? Hm... I think that is bad, suppluy + barrack - normal for non-ramp enter, but here is 1 barrack and 2 suppluys requiried. Is it disbalance for terran vs protoss? Probe'll make him dirty work succesfull in 75% :)

But in LT 3 buildings wallin, for photon-rush it's better or not?
When you have a ramp, normal 2-depot-wallin is ok. When you have none, it becomes more difficult to hold the choke, so it should not be too wide. The main difference is that on maps with no ramp, goons can use their range much better to destroy wallin without getting shot be tank. With a large choke, your choke is not safe until you have siege mode against a protoss microing ok. That puts you behind a lot imo. Also in PvZ it's hard for a protoss to prevent zergling harass with such a wide choke.
True, if a Protoss does it quite well, lets say he waits till he got 2 goons to attack the single barrack, even then Terra has a hard time defending his choke. With 2 or more buildings, a Protoss shouldn't have any problems. ALso a mannerpylon in the wallin makes it way harder for T do defend.
btw, you map has almost the same shape as my Saphireus, and it seems that you fight with the same problems concerning pathing as i did. Still your`is better than mine by far. Hmm...

--LGI vs shits_uf(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI vs virus_Pro(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI, virus_protoss vs MladTehnik, MopkoBa_Venci(2on2, 1.13)

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