| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)PetrolRiver : 2014, 10, 09 20:45
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4719 | (2)PetrolRiver | 128*128 | LasTCursE | 2.3 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
CrystalDrag | | | Where's my Z 3rd base. | Chef | | | Very long main to main distance and a difficult natural for P to take vs Z are the main concerns I have with the this map.
I like the expansion layout otherwise. I wonder how those middle bridges look in game. You might consider just letting them be land bridges if they look bad -.- Or just one narrower bridge, since I like the dynamic of maps which have the shortest path narrow and the side paths wide for bigger armies later. | Chef | | | See my GMCS -
If you hold these two positions, you get 5 bases pretty easy. Position B being very defensible and Position A only being a little harder to defend. That\'s a slight concern to be honest, especially since movement from Position A to B and vice versa is made simple by that land bridge. Rallying units at position C is simple to reinforce fronts A or B.
Furthermore, turrets at position A and B serve to protect all the bases on that side of the map, which nerfs recalls pretty hard. You pretty much have to use hallucination if Terran invests in turrets (which he should because he has 5 bases and it's hard to move back to the main from position A and B).
I think a solid Terran who could take advantage of these features would give Protoss a pretty difficult life in the mid game. The main mitigating factor being that Terran\'s third is not very simple to take. Maybe vulture harass is also hard for P to economically defend with the super wide third ramp.
Just some theorycraft ;p CrystalDrag\'s point about Z 3rd is also a thing although T\'s nat is wide enough that he may have to take it much more slowly. I wonder how well you can cover such a natural with sunkens even. modified by Chef | Freakling | | | What they said.
In short, the "openness average" of the expos is pretty high - although I think securing the corner expo as a relatively safe third is possible - , mains seem to take up too much room and naturals are definitely too big and lack a proper choke. | outscar | | | Hell. Where is the map? | CardinalAllin | | | Good stuff. Are you going to upload the map? | outscar | | | This really looks like
http://www.panschk.de/mappage/comments.php?mapid=4500 |
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