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Last update for (2)DoingTheDying 2.0 : 2007, 11, 01 18:44
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
692 (2)DoingTheDying 2.0 128*128flothefreak1.8final

The map has been rated 57 times and got a total of 105 points


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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

new map of mine.
well, actually it's not new but weeks old but I just finished it :D

it was a hell lot of work, so I hope it was worth the effort. the little minblocks behind the minonly shall serve the prevention of pylon/building-slidetrick from p or t to get 3rd gas too early. that isle is probably not scouted for a long time, so I didn`t want hidden early expo there.
those minblocks have value of 16...
I dunno if they work like described, but will test that :)

be welcome to comment and criticise :p
i dont like the fact that you cant distinguish high from lowground..

As a stated before, doing maps like this is your desicion and if you think theyre funny, you're welcome. But personally im _really_ getting tired of this tilecrap.
pretty awesome jpg look. I hope it looks as good ingame and plays well too. I DL it so maybe we know more soon
Yep, looks good on the jpg, but i am wondering one thing... With this tile style you got, to make things look more smooth and natural, sometimes you put lowground tiles on highground, and oposite. So the thing that i am wondering... is this effect the damage to units in game? I mean if your tank is on a lowground(in game), but it is on a higground tile, what damage did he makes? The normal one, as we all know, or redused dmg?

Back on the map. I really don't like the gas placement on the neturals infront of each players. For the mineral tail, i will make a replay for you, because i am a bad ass >:]. Overall the map seems good, but imo 2 expands, should go away...
well this concept is weeks old so don't complain about me using tileset ramps at this developement of time :D

LGI: As I started working with tileset ramps, I wasn't really aware of this fact. but be sure, I am paying attention to this, and so I did for this map (Origo Hills has been corrected regarding this issue a while ago btw). lowground-tiles on lowground and highground-tiles on highground. only for not having a straight line when there is a slight brightness/color-difference, I do use a "zipper"-style to make the changeover vanish a bit.
but this is never more than just 1-2 tiles.
the mains seem kind of small, especially since you arent using the space behind them
hm, I made those mainbases because of the shape.
So I could easily change that. I'll see how the base size fits ingame, if it's not enough, I'll edit it
well, edited the mineral-onlies. the small minblocks could deny workerslide, but they fucked up mining- scv's not seeing a free minblock tried to move to the minerals behind the normal mining-mins, and were fucked up as known.

so I made it that you need at least 2-3 worker and wasting much time when wanting to get the isles without shuttle.
added obs vers, too
made some more deco
It looks a bit overloaded to me. Think about that changes. (GMCS)

Really nice map, I think I will make a push for it as motw :]
nice idea, thx
I will change
dunno what I'm going to do exactly, but your proposal is actually quite good
executed panschk's suggestions
seems better now, thx

comments are welcome, just tell me what you dislike :o
i dislike anything in special editors that isnt enlarging bridges/ramps ><
Transition from high to low looks really good, good job there. There are two places behind red's nat along the wall that you can place tanks, (one of which will hit nat minerals other can hit main gas, don't know if that's a big deal but seems like it could be anoying since you can't drop anything else down there afterwards (just going off illegal placement in SCMDraft, so that might even be wrong but don't think SCMDraft would say something is illegal where you can drop something on.
uh, thx
didn't know (obviously) that i missed so striking tankholes! gonna fix it
i made some changes on this one when i had no inet and felt like it =)

-center is opened
-islands are more conventional
-nats redone
-mains bigger
-redid minonlies
Hmmm have you considered using the grassy cliff model for top left`s main ramp? idk that ramp is the only thing i dont like about the map :O gj man lol
hm why not, it fits better in the maptheme anyway (heavy grass usage). and if i can erase the last flaw you see in the whole map, then it's something good anyway =)
"well, edited the mineral-onlies. the small minblocks could deny workerslide, but they fucked up mining- scv's not seeing a free minblock tried to move to the minerals behind the normal mining-mins, and were fucked up as known."

Flo, you could try placing illegal doodads, would that work?
no, but this feature is removed anyway :)

--prOxi.SouL)iO- (epidiOn) vs RtS)Anoia(1on1, 1.13)

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