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ICCup maps
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New season coming up fast, yello-ant says he can maybe add 1 or 2 bwm maps to the pack, post maps you'd like me to show him here.

Remember, he really dislikes (2)maps and often (3)maps too, so (4)maps are our best bet.

My ideas:
Thunder v.w/e, Till the Day v.w/e (Capn Awesom maps for Chickenlord's comp, not posted on bwm yet)
Korhal Pride by Nastmarine
Dread Core by Morrow
Dayun Si by Nastmarine

and bleh that's it off hand. For treant which I know Morrow will post, it's (2) and has land-accessible nat cliffs, which he nixed in the original version of Faoi.

Texcoco I think I already showed him and he laughed at it.
2008, 11, 24 01:19
Cool! Thank you. Whens the season starting?
2008, 11, 24 06:52
Uh beginning of December I think.

I'll be showing yello-ant maps tomorow (monday) if he's online when I am, so if you want me to show him a revised version of your maps, please get that to me as soon as possible.
2008, 11, 24 08:08
What about Voices 4?
2008, 11, 24 16:29
Showed him that before, he didn't like it, thought the min only would be too imbalanced, thought it'd be really t>p since t can tank p's entrance... =/
2008, 11, 24 22:14
but that's exactly the same backdoor as Baekdu and Destination! :S terran never tanks the main ramp xD

i can edit Dayun Si if Nasty let me :)
modified by Testbug
2008, 11, 27 19:43
jamssi's Thin Skin. Even if you hate it Nightmarjoo it doesn't mean you can't show it to him.
modified by SiaBBo
2008, 11, 27 21:41
yea, dont go all bill307 on people ^^ (<3)
2008, 11, 28 00:32
go ahead
2008, 11, 28 04:31
Haha Starparty, I remember you being pissed about bill307 editing... was it Sattarchasm?

Siabbo, his hotmail is, feel free to show him Thin Skin. I've shown him a lot of maps I was pretty sure he'd laugh down, but if I can't even write some bs about it being good for 3rd place motm, I'm not showing it to yello-ant, sorry.
2008, 11, 28 05:12
I showed it to yello-ant and he liked it. You failed Nightmarjoo. :)
2008, 11, 28 19:49
lol he liked Frostmourne and frostmourne is not in iccup. let's say... that he is not the best at choosing wich map is good and wich map is not.
he disliked several maps made by nastymarine, protoss4ever, testbug, flothefreak, losttampon, sp, etc.
2008, 11, 29 17:06
well i can understand that he doesnt like my maps :o
2008, 11, 29 21:40
Why's that?
2008, 11, 29 22:15
iccup down?
2008, 12, 01 13:25
Yeah, i can't go there. Guess they are fixing things. Now i can go there and it show's some text "five days" and then there is some timer. And that is?
modified by SiaBBo
2008, 12, 01 16:15
Siabbo, I didn't fail. The map is bad, whether or not yello-ant "likes" it. Just because you like it doesn't mean it's a bad map, but that I don't like it does suggest it's a bad map. Furthermore, I've written my explanation for why I don't like it. Explain to me why it's a good map, and maybe I'll be convinced.
2008, 12, 02 05:35
okay, i've been working on Dayun si. but now i'll be busy again.
if any1 wants to edit the map, feel free to do it.

also, Voices has the same backdoor as Baekdu or Destination.
have you ever see a game where terran tanks the main ramp because he is camping behind the backdoor blocking mineral? xD

okay i also want to work on Beast, Spinel valley, Lobotomy and Aztec. can some1 help me? commenting the maps, downloading them and wrting something like murrow did?
2008, 12, 02 08:55
Ok, Dayun Si II, now known as (4)Yellow, will be an iccup map.

Due to a lack of communication (me and yello-ant being online at different times) and a lack of time, we only were able to do one map, and he liked Dayun Si II the best. Hopefully we can get more maps into iccup during the next time they change the mappool and/or at the next season.
2008, 12, 06 22:04
page: 1


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