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finished pack
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here is the pack. melee, obs, pics. DL it and tell me if you consider a problem. you can also test obs version.

should we put a BWMN_ in front of every map?
like, "BWMN_(2)AwokenDemons.scm"? it would make the difference of the obs version to the normal one clear, though i'm no fan of this.
modified by panschk[FP]
2006, 04, 25 09:13
want me to upload the pack on
2006, 04, 25 09:24
no, not yet. wait a bit until there are some replys
2006, 04, 25 11:45
No BWMN(2)....., name would be too long.

Actually normal names with (x) would be fine to me.
I hope I get to look through all the maps today, it is important to make as sure as possible that there are no trivial bugs.
2006, 04, 25 13:51
eh i meant the version of the maps (obs and some time later also melee) are different from the one on the site itself. just in case there are changes done
2006, 04, 25 15:22
Btw, are we gonna put BWMN logo again on the pictures?
2006, 04, 25 18:15
that'd be cool.
2006, 04, 25 18:26
I just want to say that i couldn't learn how to work whith Photoshop. And i really want it but... I guess i am not very skilled person...
2006, 04, 25 18:32
i already put it, when i uploaded the jpg :) (i guess)
2006, 04, 25 18:41
flo, which jpg-converter does that so detailed picture (start locatin isn't a red square)?
2006, 04, 25 20:22
scmdraft 2.
for 128x128-maps, it is creating 4096²pixel-bmps which are about 16MB. so i use irfanview to resize them to 768 and convert to jpg.

by the way, scmdraft is making an exact copy. so if you have chosen a unit in the editor, and all places where you cannot put this unit are dark, then on the bmp, it is the same. so you can even put units and stuff, which is all displayed in the pic
2006, 04, 25 21:37
i see, thx
2006, 04, 25 22:42
awoken demons: I dont like how you place start locations illegally. But should not be a bug, so wayne...
On some other maps, like gravity for example, there is the same problem. As these maps have no sprite units or similar, they should really be made SE-compatible.
Hokus Peakus: Obs version is broken there - Wrong group for one of the players!
On Sleeping sun, it showed only 7 players when I opened in Starcraft.

Except for the HP-issue, it's minor details. If you could add the bwmn logo into the pics that would be awesome (Though the quality of the pics is already pretty low, if you take them as basis they could become ugly)

Thanks for your hustle and good work flo.

2006, 04, 25 22:42
sry i missed that one player on HP. the problem about the pics is that i made all in SCMdraft, but made a batch-converting where i used (due to the different mapsizes) a resizing by percent. as there are only full numbers (like 17,18,19) percent possible, some pics are slightly blurred. we may have to resize them all manually :/

/updated HP. so the obs will work when we make teh final pack. sleeping sun was missing a starting position.
2006, 04, 25 22:59
AD-starting pos illegally? they are located on the island on plain dirt
2006, 04, 25 23:00
well when I open the map with SE, they get partially deleted, because you can not stack them there.
2006, 04, 26 10:01
i created mappics with logo. download them here (yousendit)
2006, 04, 26 14:43
i uploaded a version of the mappack in the file database. corrected starting positions of the observers and added noname's pics.

it is actually finished. but look HOTS thread...
2006, 04, 27 23:54
why do you triple the size of your pack by including jpegs and obs versions. make just obs versions as the main pack, offer a secondary pack of the melee versions (it is more likely people will play it privately and will be fine with the ob version in almost all cases... you only need the melee to.. um.. public it. or use it for pgt, etc.)
2006, 04, 28 08:50
because on melee, you see the map as preview, on obs, you can have observers even on 2player-maps and on pictures, you can decide which map you wanna play and what each map looks like.
2006, 04, 28 12:51
Could you update PoV in the pack? I added a small but very important update to it.
2006, 04, 28 15:11
page: 1 2


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