| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (5)Ice Paradise : 2009, 02, 28 23:14
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 1092 | (5)Ice Paradise | other | Thedutchjelle | 2.3 | final | | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Thedutchjelle | | | Hello!
Im new here, and this is a map i made.. i hope you all like it :-)
If there is something wrong please tell it so i can fix it.
Hopeless encounters succesfully won
Thedutchjelle | Arden(WoF) | | | A picture would be nice... | Thedutchjelle | | | I couldnt find a make-a-picture thing for Macintosh. Only for windows.. :'(
Hopeless encounters succesfully won
Thedutchjelle | flothefreak | | | um, look up our filebase, maybe one of the following programs work on mac:
-scmdraft2 | Thedutchjelle | | | Both SCM things are for windows only, and Mapconverter wont even download.
Hopeless encounters succesfully won
Thedutchjelle | Asura_Blade | | | a few things.
1. horrible lack of doodas
2. imb for a few reasons i'd wait til someone better states it
3. mineral formation makes my eyes bleed | spinesheath | | | Another tip: Get rid of that stupid "Hopeless encounters blahblahrantrantcoughcough".
Really, it's annoying.
On the map:
- too large
- too unstructured, you won't ever know what you are doing, not even where you are. No landmarks, no special/important paths, no center
- some players got 2 ramps, well, that would be ok, if they were placed with thought. The second ramp should have some obstacles, for example a long route, so that you can mainly defend one ramp and the other one just-in-case.
- the other players are just put on some spot in the terrain, there is nothing that could serve as a choke at all. You need to be able to defend at a given, fairly small entrance at the beginning.
Didn't check any further... modified by spinesheath | SpoR | | | no map pic T_T | Freakling | | | What's wrong with you, SpoR?! |
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