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Last update for (4)Khaydarin Core : 2006, 04, 23 21:33
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1246 (4)Khaydarin Core 128*128LaO-Artanis2.4final

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

Nats are tank-safe, they can't be shot from the other side. For the rest, it's my second 4-player map, and I'm not really good at them ^^.
Happy face in the middle of the map lol.
King of 8 plr Maps
those mineral only thats sticking out would be better for pathfinding on vertical.

And the bottom bases i would make ramps come out on outside instead of inside, the bottom bases have harder time with that narrow path the way it is now, or open it up little the inside path.
Also the naturals i would put them on sides instead of middle like that gives more room to move units.

modified by King of 8 plr Maps
"those mineral only thats sticking out would be better for pathfinding on vertical."
You mean horizontal, and I'm not sure. I might have to move the min only a bit back to fix it though, will need some playtesting for that.

"And the bottom bases i would make ramps come out on outside instead of inside, the bottom bases have harder time with that narrow path the way it is now, or open it up little the inside path."

If I would make the ramps face outwards, the bottom bases would be a lot closer to eachother and the natural position would basically be rubbish. I couldn't do that and still keep it reasonably positionally balanced.

"Also the naturals i would put them on sides instead of middle like that gives more room to move units."

They're not really in the center, and I like it this way because if I'd put them on the side, they'd practically be free.
king of 8 plr maps
vertical going down the side of base, not sticking out, It doesnt look right with way you have it sticking out.
your naturals almost blocking units paths comming out of your base, you have give more room, with command center you have 1 rax path, thats why i say naturals to sides or in corners, but open it up, so its not free. Also think bases are bit big.

I still think bottom bases is unbalanced compared to top. I would play around with it till it looks balanced.

Map alright but you can do better, this map pure clone 4 player map, you need some ideas to make it better, your working with 4 players only on 128 size map you have lots ways you can make this better, try make 6 player one you see your limited and its a pain to adjust ramps and make it balanced.

you have easer time with 4 player I expect it to be better map, theres 1000 of these maps already, the map needs some original ideas, dont see this map standing out.

But the happy face i like

modified by king of 8 plr maps
"vertical going down the side of base, not sticking out, It doesnt look right with way you have it sticking out."

I'm not sure what you mean with this.

"your naturals almost blocking units paths comming out of your base, you have give more room, with command center you have 1 rax path, thats why i say naturals to sides or in corners, but open it up, so its not free."

There is no room to give it more room, really. Also, I guess a 1-rax path should be enough for most situations, though it might be a pain to move out with 200/200 in TvP, it's doable as the ramp to go down with is small anyhow.

"Also think bases are bit big."

They're quite normal-sized imo.

"I still think bottom bases is unbalanced compared to top. I would play around with it till it looks balanced."

Don't see any obvious imbalances. Sure, it takes the bottom a bit longer to get down, but that's not too big of a problem imo.

"Map alright but you can do better, this map pure clone 4 player map, you need some ideas to make it better, your working with 4 players only on 128 size map you have lots ways you can make this better, try make 6 player one you see your limited and its a pain to adjust ramps and make it balanced."

It might be a clone map, but I'm not that good at mapping yet and this is my 2nd 4-player map. It's just another stepping stone for me. Also, 6-player maps are fun, but not really something I want to do as it's a pain to make 6 equally sized mains and balance it out. I know about it.

"you have easer time with 4 player I expect it to be better map, theres 1000 of these maps already, the map needs some original ideas, dont see this map standing out."

You've already said that in the last part. I'm still practicing to get better at mapping.

"But the happy face i like"

^^. It was originally an expo, but I decided to remove it to give more room for fights there.
king of 8 plr maps
how can i upload pic, i can show you where to place menerals, so it looks good, and doesnt get in way
king of 8 plr maps
ok here image, I done it in my style but its just 1 sample of what you can do with this map.
as you can see the map starting to look original.

Free Image Hosting at

modified by king of 8 plr maps
Hm, looks pretty good actually. I'll see what I can do with it ^^
Updated the map a lot.
that is a joke, i hope.
because it tightens the whole area so badly?
king of 8 plr maps
you can do what you want in middle the important part is now the entrances out of mains is balanced, and naturals dont get in way, middle up to you, this was just quick sample i made

yeah i would move the middle only expos up against the sides of base a little more or all way, also your need widen bottoms exits just a little, you have to have same size as top if you want perfect map.

look at my pic you see bottom and top have same room

modified by king of 8 plr maps
Decided to drop the min onlies, and add 2 neutral expos instead to save room.
king of 8 plr maps
yeah its better then before

modified by king of 8 plr maps
Any other suggestions?
definetly not better. how should you get 2nd expo on this map at all? like, in tvp or pvz...
PvZ: In 9 out of 10 cases, P's 2nd expo is either a new main or an island. There is no island on this map, but taking another main is definately possible.
TvP: In horizontal positions, it could be tough, but in vertical or diagonal positions T will most likely try to take half of the map, so it's definately possible.
it was just practice so get on with point arguing over a map like this it was just practice as he said..
king of 8 plr maps
at least its in right direction, hes not finished let man make his map, hes got ideas in his head, let him come up with something.

--Artanis[Xp] vs PrOxi.Soul)iO- (epidiOn)(1on1, 1.13)

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