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Last update for (4)Aurora : 2007, 10, 27 21:19
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1589 (4)Aurora 128*128Cosmi0.1beta

The map has been rated 52 times and got a total of 5 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

A brand new map by me with 2 rare properities: it's twilight and it's 4 4 players:-). In addition there are different layouts for two starting locations than for the other two.

It's all about breaking my addiction:-).

It could be a little more decorated, but I'm not expert in twilight deco;-).

I believe there is no pathing problem, but I haven't tested for lings.
nice assymetric map! :)

but i fear blue's and purple's minonly is so much more vulnerable to attack also tightens the path too much in my opinion
so 2 bases have ramps and 2 dont?
Damn,you are quick!

I must appreciate your effort.It's again a fine new idea.Maybe not a painkiller but I see here somebody who try to give us his best.Respect!!!

I'm glad also you try a diferent tileset.Your skills are good enough to make great maps on evry tileset,no doubt.

What i meaned last time with addicted wasn't a reprimand it was a conclusion.The most of your other maps are maps.This isn't bad it's just reality.So it's not necessary to play the toad.
modified by Fry
Oh, I think that StarEdit must have removed the ramps...:/ update quickly

Fry - I liked the idea to do it, so it's why I've made it - you've become some kind of trigger for me to make it. It is very different to make an unsymmetric map on natural tileset and a symmetric one on a artifical one.

And also I've made the front path to purple and blue nat buildable.

The unsymmetry of min onlies is balanced in 1v1 game on every positions, it's what I believe.
modified by Cosmi
modified by Cosmi
Lings can get through those walls of doodads... the big white craters on twilight have 1/4 square unoccupied on their right side and 2/4 squares below them when you look at the terrain in SCMDraft. Lings are 2 squares, and you've got some parts of the terrain that they'll fit through.

Pretty much the only doodads you can use on twilight that will fully seal are the smaller white craters and the rocks (I think they're on the bottom of the list), and not all of them either...

If you look at my map Sentinel, in the top-left and bottom right you will see some doodad walls made from these rock tiles. They infact are complete walls (without even single 1/4-square holes) so lings and scarabs can't get through, and there are no pathfinding problems (the pathfinding algorithm treats these walls exactly like a wall).

What you should do is try to place units in SCMDraft and see where the holes are... they shouldn't be too hard to fix.
Yup, you're right, there are two holes in the bottom one (and one in upper, but it's near the edge, so it is no problem, I think). And about scarabs - I wanted them to be able to go through:-).

I will edit it some day.
modified by Cosmi
lol i had an idea 4 mapname ... Aurora tzzz
Python with a less boring middle, you mean?
This map isn't like python. Python is just wide open space. The island expo and minonly are in roughly the same spot but beyond that this map has no similarities.

I like this map, I'd like to see some replays, maybe I'll upload some of my own.
lozl testbug >.<
Well, pretty map but the units produced in the N, NW and SE mains will have to cross the worker mineral and or gas lines in the nat to get out but that is not the case with the SW nat.

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