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Last update for (3)Biosphere-42 : 2006, 11, 12 00:08
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
1802 (3)Biosphere-42 128*128LostTampon0.3beta

The map has been rated 51 times and got a total of 16 points

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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

good map :)
lmfao at the positional imbalances. Teal's main is the tightest and most awkward for movement at the same time. The distances from main to nat are all different, and vastly.

The decoration is ugly.

Red's mineral only looks less safe. I do like the expo layout, it looks nice.

How many minerals do the islands have blocking a cc? I don't think you even need to block it, it's too vulnerable to help terran at all.

What's with the rocky terrain? It's ugly and limits t, and I don't see anything which would indicate t is strong in this map.

You could hide a hatchery behind red's minerals oO I'm not kidding, you could make a couple sunks or lings there before they could see the creep.

Sending an ovy from teal to red looks awkward because of the shape of the main, but even if that's true I don't think it will be that much of a problem.

How will terran defend their nat miners from mutas? There is no room to make turrets, no room to place sunks, no room to put lurkers, or cannons, or goons. Also how will people defend their 2nd gas expo from harass? Again no room for defense next to that cliff.

The map looks ok, but it's ugly, and has some positional imbalances, and imo some racial ones too. The map is pretty open and favours muta harass at the nat, z map ftw. Also p map in pvt since t can't push with turrets and has no advantages.
hm, actually i think it has a decent pos. balance, considering it's 3player, he did a nice job. some small flaws but nothing really killing it, positionally. but space behind the minerals for defensive buildings is necessary. and nightmarjoo: that mainhatch in red's base is a VERY bad and dumb idea -.-

i like the map somehow, although you need really some more effort to details.
btw, my advice for making it look prettier: your strange edges, shores and cliff-brims make it look awkward. reshape it in a nice curvy and smooth form. you did it quite well on 12h btw. i pointed some examples as GMCS
modified by flothefreak
lol 1v1? I will hatch in your main! :) You will have to act like you don't expect it coming^^
no, seriously. besides Off-hatch hardly works anyway (you REALLY should SEE the missing 300minerals when scouting. like, you see no pool no FE no hatch. this definetly tells you there's some cheapness going on.), a drone passing your minline/HQ heading right behind your minerals and staying there in the shadows is kinda obvious and a reason to take a look there, sooner or later.

really, nightmarjoo, dont give strategical advices -.- that was ridiculos²³³³²³³
lol mea culpa
this has a nice design

consider making blue's ramp inverted - it looks pretty hard to reach as it is
another approach with other expansions

- nat mins moved a bit
- redone ramps
- other layout changes
Red's nat is way too close to the main. The map is still ugly :O
yeah well i will redo the complete left side then

- Layout changes
- Streched left main
next update:

- made map now more open
- redid expos
why is everyone so fond of destroying his own maps when they have been decent?
just playing around with different layouts

next update, new layout ;P
modified by LostTampon

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