| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (3)Space Conquest : 2005, 07, 22 12:34
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 190 | (3)Space Conquest | 128*128 | Starparty | 2.3 | final | | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
panschk | | | Looks good. Probably not a very good map for zergs, but I don't think we talk about too much of an imbalance here. | Starparty | | | It was made for the UGT league in SC vanilla, but i think they stopped before it really got into use.. | hefty | | | Pretty straight-forward map. Reminds of Rush Hour (I know you heard that before, but with this map, there's some truth in it), only it's much easier to travel around on - allowing for swifter gameplay. The double entranced nats are a bit harsh on zvt and, to a lesser extend, pvz, but nothing too imbalanced.
I take it your considered the amount of gas here, and purpously went with gas on mains and nats only? In MUs where the 3rd gas is needed late game, the opponent of the gas-reliant will only have to defend one area to deny him the much needed gas. I guess this makes for epic, but very fatal, battles in pvzs. Maybe this issue needs some gametesting - but if it isn't too imba, it's a nice tweak that give this map some personality. | STIMEY D OKGM FISH | | | i like the idea of a 2 entrance natural, but it looks hard for toss. maybe the entrances should be tightened up so zerg would have to enter closer to the toss's ramp.
the high ground ridging over the nats looks a bit harsh for lurk drops vs toss. toss always hate that.
i suspect z>p unless the distances are short. they don't look short enough to make this z=p. z>p naturals hardcore. | Starparty | | | You have to travel quite a bit to attack from 2 directions.. I dont think simply 2 entrances make it z>p, gotta consider the routes you have to use to go there too.. | STIMEY D OKGM FISH | | | it's not attacking from 2 directions, it's ust how many photons it would take toss to expo. their expo will be so slow and zerg will be way ahead | Your name | | | Your comment | Starparty | | | Play more agressive then perhaps`? :p |
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