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Last update for (2) RotB 1.8 : 2007, 05, 10 22:46
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2059 (2) RotB 1.8 128*128Excalibur0.3beta

The map has been rated 51 times and got a total of 13 points

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Comments:   GMCS (25 elements)

This is Requiem Of The Butterfly.

I worked on this map months ago, and with little luck on balancing it, i decided to leave it be until i had some ideas.

I sketeched out most of the ideas during my french class yesterday, and ive been working on it the past two days.

Ive revamped this thing about five times, and i thought finally i could upload it and get opinions and ideas on how to fix some things.

I know theres no big open middle, and so im trying to counter this but im not having much luck as of yet.
It is a nice map.

Though I think you could make more room behind the mineral fields. Everywhere, except the bottom corners. If you don't have at least one free space, workers can get stuck (workers are occasionally that stupid, that they fly into such a place).

There is IMO too many mineral only expansions(6) compared to gas exps(5).

There could be more room for flanking.

And the map has no critters.
I dont use critters, ill take the rest into account.

Thanks Phenolphthalein.

Room behind minerals
Gas added to the 3 and 9 islands
Nats moved back and changed

Flanking is still a bit of a problem but i dont think i could do much better without ruining the whole mid section of the map which i like.
If you have any ideas GMCS em for me please.

modified by Excalibur

Besides no critters, here's what I don't like about the map:

0 pathing
tight, narrow, will be a pain for all races, no flank room at all, not even strategic tight places, just masses of ramps everywhere.
Thanks to your huge hp neutrals there's a huge distance from mains. Taking it out will result in really small distances.
Little building room in main, and tons of rocks near the nat so no building room at all.
LOL @ northern islands, good fucking luck defending that from air, or attacking it with a drop.
Lot's of gas along with little breathing room + long distances = terran map ez.
1 bridge per player to get to half the map. Not fun to try and move an army across, especially if shells are raining upon your head from the cliff, with mines under your feet and fragment grenades harassing you.
The tightness would help zerg with lurks, except it's a nightmare of long awkward paths with long distances and so many ramps. The map would help mutas, except that the main's minerals are next to the fucking edge of the map, so no way to get a vantage point to use mutas with on workers, and long distances prevent ground aid, but allow t to defend his nat/main ez, along with protoss. And oh boy! Islands in the far corners, only these ones are big enough to defend, and still unuseable by zerg, thanks from the overmind!
Visually, oh yay perfect symetry, I just love seing the same shit twice! Not to mention it's boring to begin with.

Sorry to be an asshole, but I'm tired and don't feel like being nice.
On the other hand, here's what I like + some suggestions. Ok, scratch the main/nat/mineral only layout, imo it's complete garbage. I love the Highdirt and expo thing, like everything in those rows, but please, please get those doodads off of it. Nuke the sunkenground shit below it and make it open. Maybe put a crushed rock ramp coming from S, maybe put a neutral on it or something. The very bottom is ok, those islands even are fine if other parts of the map are edited.
And please decorate the map, ugly straight lines and symetry is so dumb looking.

ima mark with gmcs some shit
All right.
I basicly scrapped from a little after the nats all the way up and re did it.
The sunken grounds been redone and added another way up to the 6 expo. The expo was also moved in a bit.
Another large set of bridges go to a min only and serve as another way to the mid, so i think that helps reduce the tightness of it.
Crevices reduced in various areas.
Turret room added/modified behind recources.
Also slimmed the pass with the now generators blocking it.

Let me know if theres anything else.

modified by Excalibur
I still wish those doodads on the cliff were gone.

Maybe increase the size of the bridges near the very middle.

The mains are still pretty small imo.
I think making the mains' formations vertical not horizontal will help with space.

Overall I think the map is a lot better now.
Maybe an expo where the big doodad isle is then?
Or maybe an up turning sort of V bridge?
I wasnt sure.
sure, the latter, go for it :) Won't know if it's a good idea or not til you try it :)
Updated with up V bridge and sprited so that you cant rush so fast that your enemy is hopeless.
looks ok, maybe add a down V default size bridge onto the the current V, you could sprite that too.
please remove the space between (2) and RotB
this map could be something btw. it need some tweaking and basic changes in structure, but there is potential.
Specific changes that would help flo? Im interested, as this is one of my favorites.

Again, unless updating the map for balance reasons, the space isnt a big deal.
the space mixes up alphabetical maplist.

-the little highground plateau with the 2 power generators. erase the water below it so you can melt it with the highground plateau below. the new large highground should - from the shape - to this inverted V-bridge, so you can make enlarged ramps all along the / and of this inverted highground-V. you will have to delete the bridge next to it, and make highground. also delete the bottom corner expos, you wont need them.

that is it for the moment. do those changes and we'll see what you need to do then.

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