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Last update for (2)Neo BoxeR : 2007, 03, 17 00:54
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2062 (2)Neo BoxeR 96*96TkTkVrooM2.6final

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (2 elements)

my pimped version of Boxer, very different a bit to pimped
well it's a nice map but it's hardly similar to the original at all =/
yea not pimped boxer at all, id just call it something else. minerals still blow btw
sorry just delete it & make a better one then inept
ok ill direct you to the blizzard version. its closer to the original then this will ever be if you catch my sheep in the sandstorm
no I'm good just make a better pimped version
lol? you cant force me to do anything idiot.
lnept, what are you talking about? lol
Yeah, I'm officially lost.. -_-

Anyway, this map does look pretty good, but I have to agree that the differences between the two maps are pretty steep. Some general concerns about the map: nvm... look in GMCS, It's easier.
"yea not pimped boxer at all, id just call it something else. minerals still blow btw"

he somehow thought that i was saying he made a really shitty map when I just said that it looks nothing like the original, and that the minerals look shitty. instead of improving minerals/changing name of map he decides to go pseudo on my ass and tells me to make my own i say no.!
I dont like it.

Not because its a bad map but i feel in your modification you lost the original feel and play of the map.
Just played it... I'm not gonna say its a bad map... but the ramps are horrrrrbile. even the normal ramp at the bottom main is fucked up. Please fix the ramps... do a copy paste job from one of noname's space maps.
I think that the mains are a bit small.

Me(T) and a P friend of mine 1v1'd on this, and we both found it to be small...and I had hardly any room for supplies and used my nat for room most of the game.

I think that the high ground expos bottom right and top left are a bit too close for the expos right beneath them. I think that a Terran could take both expos and turtle up there and easily get an eco boost, and since a T can supply and constant 3-tank off of just a main, with 3 extra expos secured, he can have like 12 facs going >_>

-Mins are ...aggravatingly placed
-Ramps are just ugly.
-Gas Issue.
modified by Falcon_A

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