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Last update for (2)Acid Rain : 2007, 05, 12 08:35
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2072 (2)Acid Rain 128*128Falcon_A & Arden(WoF)2.3beta

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (1 elements)

The concept is completely my friend's (Falcon_A). I merely "pimped" it so to speak, because it was lacking flow and decoration. I never seem to be able to come up with a concept, and I seem to be able to implement things decently. And the opposite goes for him. So we worked together on this you could say.


I realize that there will be pathing issues... but there is no way in hell I am even attemtping to fix that (It would ruin the concept), so back off =D. I think he had some pretty good ideas here, and this is pretty much (excluding past attempts that he admits to being mediocre) his first serious map. So give him all the respect he deserves =).

Four of the center min blocks are worth 500... and I guess that's pretty much it.

**Once again, this is not my concept, merely my take on someone else's with permission**
modified by Arden(WoF)
really really unique and as always great in execution. kinda awkward. and pathing will be gay :/

but still a great idea.

there isnt much to say cuz its so different.
switch, expos, Gas first then the mineral only.

also put gas on the hill expo to the far right. on a map like this zerg is going to need all the gas he can get :)
yeah switch the gas nat with the min only nat
Gosh damn son
and do something against vertical tankpush 8[
Fixed the author... forgot to include Falcon when I updated >.<
Pathing issues!! :D

Looks really nice, good job falcan and arden :)
(Yes as I mentioned and several others mentioned.. I know there are pathing issues and there always will be) But I can't see a simple solution on fixing this, so I really see no other option than to just ignore it. (Not like anyone is going to play this map anyway, haha)
the keynote is fascinating,and the execution imposing.

suggestions/i would cut out those minerals in the middle and constrict the entry to the lateral expo with a bridge or with walls.also i would delete those protoss temples and use normal cliffs.the xell-naga could remain so.the deco is good enough.if you wanna add some doodads in the water,couldnt hurt.

i look forward for the final version
Interesting map. I have one concern though. One possible strategy is to turtle in you main plus the easy nat and then smash the temple and race across the valley to smash the other temple and attack your opponent's base. Your ground troops will be unreachable from the side as the minerals will not allow enemy ground troops any access to the valley plus you then have access to a third expo with gas. The right side of the map may not be used at all! To make the right area of the map more attractive you may want to fit an additional expo with gas there (after all this area is larger than the area to the left, it should have more resources). Also to decrease the attractiveness of the left area and promote gameplay on the right you may want to make the expo in the left valley a mineral-only.

Also those XelNaga temples have 5000 hit points, you may want to replace them with building of lower hit points.

Finally, I can drop 3 tanks next to the SW nat and none next to the NW nat (see gmcs). See if you can fix that with doodads or the right tiles.
modified by Lancet
Too few resources.I suggest at least a expo more for each player.The question is where should you place them? Topographic changes are needed for this endeavor;the nice design would suffer.But I see no other way,cause the map needs more resources

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