| Back to "experimental" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)High Noon on Korhal : 2007, 05, 03 04:11
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 2192 | (2)High Noon on Korhal | 128*128 | Lancet | 0.3 | experimental | | The map has been rated 43 times and got a total of 15 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Lancet | | | And finally, here it is, my last map in my "Balance? Schmalance!" trilogy. The first two maps are "Conflict Resolution" (map ID: 2164, ZvZ) and "Mind Games" (map ID: 2182, PvP).
I hope there will be no argument that this is a Terran-favoring map. It incorporates aspects of "Gorky Island" and "Showdown". It features a within main nat on high ground for fast expo (with a neutral comsat station) and narrow winding corridors among plateaus inaccessible by land. On top of that there are 4 neutral machine shops and 2 neutral control towers in the main to "get you started" up the tech tree.
Any suggestions on the number and placement of the neutrals is welcome. | pOOwarriOr- | | | ooo nice, neutral machine shops. I would like to see neutral nuke silos though ;)
I think that blue's gas is a fair bit more vulnerable to tanks on the nearby cliff. Maybe gas to the left would solve it, but I'm not sure of tanks could still hit that far.
Other than that, looks lovely for exciting TvT macrofests =p | flothefreak | | | if you really want to encourage new styles for the mirrormatches, you should place neutral spylab(?) in the main and neutral nukeaddon to the natural, or even main :> | Excalibur | | | Covertops* flo. If i understood you correctly.
And i agree. I like this map, as i have liked all the race specific maps that have been coming out recently. :) | tktkvroom | | | OH HELL NA!!!!
fuck man what were you thinking?!?!?!?! | Falcon_A | | | It's tighter than my pants...
And my pants are TIIIIGHT
Looks lovely for TvT, I can't wait to play it...and you give instant machine shops for 4 facs ^^; | Nightmarjoo | | | This is my favourite of the three by far. I would like to see silos in the map ;)
I sorta wish you didn't kill the push aspect of tvt, will be all drops. | Lancet | | | Thanks for all your comments. I have tried to attach an add-on to the starting command center but the program will not accept it.
I thought that the most relevant add-on to the nat would be a comsat as you may be dealing with wraiths in early game. Appart from that I am reluctant to add a nuclear silo to the expos as I would be forcing the player to use it or have to destroy if they want another comsat. But I could try it, where do you suggest I put it (mineral-only, gas expo or both?).
I can add physics lab and covert ops add-ons (that will go on science facility) to the main but I am concerned about cluttering up the space for the players. Although adding neutrals may sound great it also forces the player to addopt a base configuration they may not like. Some strategies may even depend on the fact that some of the base layout will be predictable. For example an SCV may enter your base and build a depot next to your control towers to slow you from going air or next to your machine shops.
Please if anyone plays this map, could you upload the replays?
Thanks. | Lancet | | | OK, added nuclear silos to the expos and covert ops and physics lab add-ons to the main. Let me know if that is what you guys had in mind. | Nightmarjoo | | | sure it's fine |
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