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Last update for (2)Outpost2.0 : 2007, 07, 02 15:35
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2306 (2)Outpost2.0 128*96ptar2.6beta

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

decent layout but i love the highplatform that is above the nats, done well. Suggestions will be in GMCS

I know if i dont say it, some1 else will ---> gas issue althought they both have bad gas, you should place the gas above the StarLoc. I can see why you didnt worry about the gas issue here, but u mite as well do it.
modified by NastyMarine
This is the pimped version of my old map Outpost. It turned out as an totaly new map. Only some basics are left. Will delete the old version soon, but ppl should have the time, to see the old version too. I changed the whole design and made some balance upgrades. Decoration will come soon. Maybe i will remove the thing in the middle, or make it undropable. Suggestions??? Should i add a geyser to the middle expansion? Think it turned out well. pls comment.

PS: I put both geysers at the bottom, so both players have a gas. But if it's too imba i will change it.
modified by ptar
just switch the mainminerals to be horizontal (just flip them around the starting loc.), then you can give both a left-gas.
you may have to deal with terran pushes being too strong on this map, though. and ZvT expo seems hard.

great improvement overall. mirror tool helped you a lot, though.
OK, i'm going to make the middle thing undropable. Also i'll decorate it more and i'm gonna change the minerals in the main. Any other suggestions?
nah, the center thing isnt the problem, none will use this. i was talking about the short distance between bases and the quite tight pushing routes.
But i think there is enough room for flanking. Should i open the big ramps in the middle, or the bridges?
modified by ptar
the problem besides the quite tight map is, that the distance is so short. only short periods of protoss weakness will cause loss of the game, because terran can set up a devastating push so fast. terran is immediately at protoss main, which is normally a process that requires time and much investments in mines and turrets along the push part.
-Added doodads
-Changed the minerals in the mains
-Edited the high platform in the middle of the map.

Didn't played the map yet. Maybe flo is right, but i'm gonna test this. Think P could attack the terran from behind, cuz there are many ways. If i open the bridges maybe terran isn't that strong.

modified by ptar
Ok, deleted the old version. Everyone who wanna see the old version and changes should visit the "Pimp my map (UBC)" competiton.
Please tell me some ideas and suggestions, so i can improve the map. Thx
PS: Why doesn't anyone write a comment? This map isn't perfect.
modified by ptar
Upadetd again:
- Changed the highground behind the naturals, so you can't shoot the cc nexus or hatch
- Opened up the ramps
- Changed the sizs of the main entrance, so you can easier defend your main agianst rushes.

Any other ideas?
Get off yur ass and play some games on it? =/
Played a lot on this map now (not against Mayhem^^) and i think that terran pushes aren't that strong. Protoss harrased the terran, so he couldn't get his natural expansion. Then the terran make a lil push to get his natural and the toss has already two expos. Now terran can't make that easy an push, cuz toss has a bigger army and can attack from the big ramp and the bridge. Maybe on pro level it's a bit different.

PS: I will upload some replays . Played some games as P too.
pls write some comments!!
modified by ptar
Any other suggestions or ideas? Otherwise i will turn this one into final.
just something that flashed to my mind. it may be more balanced than your current version (only made the changes on the center&right side)

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rought edit of course, stacked ramps shall indicate enlarged ones.
Lol I had a hard time seeing what was done in the pic
it mainly cuts the too short natural distance. the rest is just to compensate this big change regarding wideness and 2nd expo position.
Huh, that will change the whole gameplay. I wanted those big ramps in the middle, but then the way between the upper middle expansion and the other gas expo is so small. I think the min only is placed ok. Where you put it, it's easy tankable. If i would add an ramp there, wouldn't be the natural too open?
PS: Should i remove the bridges? Cuz you deleted it in the pic.
modified by ptar
deleting those bridges was the only point of my suggestions. the terrain changes and repositioning of the minonly was due to the highground being too tight otherwise and the 2nd expo to close to the natural (now laying in the direct connection to the enemy). this little corridor should make a cool harass- and slip-by-route.

--ptar vs Bosssmannn(1on1, 1.15)
--ptar vs OMEGARED(1on1, 1.15)

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