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Last update for (2)Mars : 2007, 10, 19 22:17
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2581 (2)Mars 96*96Citr0n0.2beta

The map has been rated 65 times and got a total of 15 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

somehow overworkable;o

i.e.: use reversed ramps?!
modified by LML
i find it somewhat apealing just because it didnt have that :p
That open double entrance to the main will be murder for Terran, consider at least blocking with a high HP neutral.
The bases are extremely close. Don't get me wrong I LOVE close proximity maps, but as has been mentioned the double entrance is really overdoing it in this case because zerglings will run wild vs terran and protoss, and protoss will be doing the same to terran. Adding a medium hp neutral to either of the entrances should do the trick.

Overall I think it's a nice map that really forces tight gameplay because it's so damn hard to expand safely.
I have edited the map, I have added two medium hp neutral building
Thank for your comments ;)
Anyone noticed the unprotected nat and gas shortage?
Possible pathing issues because of the xel nagas. Test that :)
Gas issue, those main geysers will mine at different rates with 3 miners.
I think the highground is too hard to get to, but once you get to it it's really easy to defend.
NW and SE are very different, in SE the ramp is on the inside, NW the outside, that's a big difference and a significant positional imbalance imo.

The map is kind of messy, perhaps use scmdraft's symmetry tool while making the map. Also with scmdraft you can use an inverted ramp at SE.

In general I think you could reshape everything a little, and that alone would improve the map. There are many little awkward things, and it would take a while to list them all; I suggest testing it yourself and seeing how it feels =/

Red's nat is more defensible than blue's. Red's min only behind the xel naga is more defensible than blue's.

I think work on correcting position balance first, then it will be easier to look at racial balance and the gameplay imo. The overall awkwardness of the map I think is distracting, to me it is, atleast ;)

One gameplay suggestion, redo the expo layout and make the expos with gas easy to fight over instead of 'belonging' to each player.

The map doesn't need much gas because it's tight, Deathman. More gas would just hurt the gameplay imo.

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