| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)North pole : 2005, 08, 11 16:18
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 260 | (4)North pole | 128*128 | Panschk[FP] | 2.5 | final | | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Starparty | | | The icy water design looks awesome, but unfortunatelly i see where you got the concept from (=) I Like the map, it looks really nice, but it really feels -just- like a better version of dire :P | panschk | | | Well I just wanted to do some "real" airmap too^^
I see that it is quite ugly, or at least not very decorated, but I don't want to create many little islands where tanks or goliaths could be dropped, and making islands where nothing can be placed on is rather difficult in Iceworld tileset. | panschk | | | Actually, not dire, but the post at tl.net was my inspiration. There should be no shooting from island to island here, and I still wanted 4 players, enough building space and 128*128. So you don't have that much choice imo. | Starparty | | | No, i know, and i still think you made it really good. but i cant secape from the fact that trechnically it will play the same way dire does anyway.. perhaps if you removed all islands and only made a 2nat on startig isle. But that would destroy the profisionallity the map has atm. | Starparty | | | Bullshit, the map looks awesome in decoration. the icebergs are really well placed! | Bbbut | | | The islands should be a little bit bigger IMO.
How are you supposed to drop there anything more than a one shuttle army? Even on dire there are two big islands... | Starparty | | | The concept was a air map. You're supposed to go air units and not drop :o |
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