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Last update for (2)Fresh : 2008, 01, 05 12:39
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2704 (2)Fresh 96*96ptar2.3betaground

The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

KK, here is a new map. Spend the whole evening on it and now the concept is there. I'm very tired right now, but i wanted to upload it, before i make the decoration on every part of the map. Again 96x96 ( Just the best size for 1v1 maps) I don't know if i should remove a gas from the 3 and 9 o'clock expansion or from the 11 and 5 o'clock expansions. Right now all geysers are full, but i'll make some of them 3000 or less. Pls give me some comments about te gameplay and suggestions how to improv it and delet all imbalances. Thx
Totally mirrored. ^_^ But I don't see nothing bad with it. But someone said it look unnatural. Can terran drop tanks behind the spawn? I tested. Can't drop tanks on red spawn but blue's spawn there are tanks holes. I think terran can defense easy.
modified by SiaBBo
I wonder how it plays in TvT. Both players can cover half of map from their mains. Too bad that i don't know any Terran player.
red gass can be tanked from center :P
9 and 3 minera fields are wrong.

12 gass can be moved

plase, place a command center or something before mineral formations xD
both mains can be tanked by mid.. :P

otherwise, nice concept :D alot of <3
nice map, i just played it in (i edited the map a bit so mians were not tankable and some expos mineral formations were retarded)
also added "created by ptar" in the map i used for the replay, so replay file doesn't says "destroy all enemy buildings"
@ PrezeS:After terran took it's natural, it's hard to get the 9 or 3 expansion, because it's so open. Also the terran player doesn't get so much gas from it cuz i'll make it only 2500.

@ SiaBBo:Thx for testing the tankspots. Why does it look not natural? I'll wanted to make the decoration today, so pls wait a lil bit before rating my decoration :)

@ Testbug:Thx for playing. Gonna change the mineral formations in the mains, but i see nothing wrong with the 9 and 3 expansions? I always place a hatch before making the mineral formation xD

@ all: Thx for o much comments, pls give some more :)
Now i added doodads in reds main natural and second gas. Also i changed the mineral formation at the 9 and 3 expos and moved the min formation in the mains.
modified by ptar
"but i see nothing wrong with the 9 and 3 expansions?"
-then why did you chjanged'em?
i downloaded the map and tried to place my hatchery buy i could not in the optimal place.

also, gass in the center at 12 near blue's main must be closer to the command center (1 slot left)

what are these doodads at red choke? tank can attack fron highground @blue
Depot placement is kind of bad and unfixable.

I don't like the middle expos, they seem placed last-minutedly without any decent planning.

The distances might make up for it, but the nats are kind of pretty open.

I think it's a bit gas heavy for a map whose middle isn't much bigger than the mains =/ I think it'd make the 3rd base min only. Fucking protoss can really abuse that imo oO

--Testbug vs Fraps(1on1, 1.15)

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