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Comments:   GMCS (3 elements)

made by tlos)frontliner 01.02.2008

"Have you got icy vains? You will need it to gain supremacy over these icy lands. Keep moving, keep eating, stay awake, stay alive! The gruesome sight of a cold war in action sends a shiver up your spine. Be warned, don't catch a frostbite or you will be served a Cold Snap!"


*Changed my first post into the description of my map.
modified by tlos)frontliner
modified by tlos)frontliner
This map is interesting. Some areas favour Terran (such as the north and south min-only expos, which can be covered by tanks) but aside from that, I have no opinion until I've played some games on it. Welcome to BWM!
Thank you for commenting Rye.

Those north / south mineral only i've just added (for fun). In other words, i may remove them just a easily, am not attached to them :D.

I've played a earlier version of this map with my clan earlier and it was cool.

Welcome! OK map although a bit too "normal" for my taste (but that's just me and I am weird).

There is a gas issue on your South bases (geysers below and to the right of starting location mine slower than geysers on top or to the left). You can read about it in the "articles" section on the right of your screen (click on "articles").

There is a bunch of tank spots behind the gas-nats.

The ramps in the South mains look terrible, search for "ramps" at the left hand side of your screen under "Map DB" and cut and paste from the inverted "ice ramps".

There is no map description or tittle in your map description box when you play the map.

modified by Lancet
will those minerals at 6 and 12 mess up pathing?
can zerglings pass those cliffs at the side?
You get lots of minerals just defending one place.

But I really like those ramps.
modified by SiaBBo

*I've redone the GAS for every nat, expo and main.
*I've tried to make all the mineral line more like an arch.
*I've removed the weird 16 minerals pathblocker patches.
*I've removed both mineral only expansions in the centre
*I've filled the mountains behind nat's with 16 mineral patches so players can't drop Siege Tanks or Lurkers between the cracks.

Thank you for the guidance. I understand the dreaded 'Gas Issue' now.

I will now look for a decent Ice Ramp for the next update.
Or use these, i think they are better :)
I absolutely embrace the way you guys think WITH me. Excellent. I do not know who made both 'waps' where the mud and ice ramp are available.

I consider using both 50/50

Again, Thanks!! :)

I will update soon again



* Changed my own ugly inverted ramps into muddy inverted ramps :D

modified by tlos)frontliner
There is a command center in the nat of the SE main in the picture. The gas issue mostly applies to the gas in the starting location. It's nice to have geysers on top or to the left in the rest of the expos but it is not necessary.

Your nat is a bit distant from the main's entrance and this may be a problem for zerg if they try to fast expo to their gas-nat. Zerg relies on a nat that "defends" the main so they can lay creep and place sunkens in the way of enmy troops heading for the main's entrance.

If, in your map, enemy troops stick close to the mineral line of the "in-nat" minonly they may be sufficiently out of the range of the gas-nat sunkens to gain access to the main's entrance without many casualties. If, on the other hand you place the sunkens as close as possible to the main's entrance you may leave the gas-nat expossed to a lateral attack.

One way to eliminate this is to move the main's entrance closer to the gas nat. Now you don't have to do this if you intend this to be a unique feature/concept of your map but I just wanted to point this out. It may not be a problem at all but it just caught my attention.

Your map description merely say: "destroy all enemy buildings". Write something about why your map is named "Cold Snap", what happened, is happening or will happen there.
modified by Lancet

*Moved the ramps so you will have to go trough the nat to reach the main!
*Added my own map description!

Lancet, thank you for your input regarding balance and overall stuffs. It helped! :)

modified by tlos)frontliner
modified by tlos)frontliner
Any more balance issues or general tips on how to improve this map?

its so small mains,,

remove all unbuildable/walkable doodads in main

*increased main sizes
*moved mineral only just outside base, instead of next to the nat
i think u should just remake ur whole mid left/right :o

bottom n top of map looks awesome, and im sure you could find something just as cool for the left/right ;p even tho idk what would do that yet :P
when i click at download Melee it goes to link:

download doesnt even try to start :(

i like this, look GMC's please
modified by MorroW
I like this one a lot better. :D

*Increased main size (again)
*removed unbuildable doodads in main.
&Totally reworked the east and west expo's.
*removed all the weird minerals blockers to prevent drops with unwalkable ice and snow.
*Changed the centre a little bit

Thanks again for all the comments. They helped me so much! :)
It's like new map now. ;/ I think terran will own here. Tanks kill pretty easy naturals. Terran can lift cc to island. But yeah, it is not tight so maybe it's balanced.
The nat is un-tankable. the Ice just behind the nats is not walkable.
Oh, nice. How you made that? ^^

I looked for an ice tile that was unwalkable and pasted it on that stretch of ice. Look at minimap, you can see its all the same tiles, looks very clean! haha
ah good you fixed my GMC's ;))

still the mains are too small and you can make them bigger, u can see ur self there is a dent in the snow cliff

also at the sides (3 - 9) there are snow doodads, not high snow..... lol at that ^^
Haha Rofl i though u wouldnt see

I will work on the other points u mentioned. Thx..

Will update soon
modified by tlos)frontliner

*Increased main sizes again
*made centre roomier
*north south island expo's have been made liftproof by 8 mineral patches. This so you need drop tech before you claim that expo.
*reduced size of north and south expo's

I hope u like! :)

Comments welcome as always!
*Less Snow
*Modified Centre

behind mains there should be able to build a pylon behind. that is a basic rule of mapmaking to keep ur self 2gird away from edge
*reworked mains in terms of mineral and gas placement.

Comments are welcome, as are suggestions!

I want to make a final version soon!
Hi guys, after buying a new pc i havent touched SC for over 1,5 years :P

So im back and edited this map to try and make it better!

Please comment :)

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