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Last update for (4)Keep Your Distances : 2008, 05, 12 09:18
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
2983 (4)Keep Your Distances 128*128trcc0.2betaground

The map has been rated 53 times and got a total of 13 points

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Comments:   GMCS (4 elements)

My ramps need some work XD because they aren't equal (11,5) vs (1,9)
I did this in a hurry as I knew it would be better to get comments on the whole shape of the map
Neutral building could change to another type with more strenght if necessary..

I forgot how hard it was to map after such a long time D: Decoration was pretty much butch and there is no doodads yet O.o

modified by trcc
this is interesting! sry no useful comment but i hope u still care ^^
You can copy/paste ramps from our (0)jungle_ramps maps etc, I think there's badlands ramps if the jungle ones don't work ._.

Purple/red I'm worried about main space.

Blue's highground path from the nat looks tighter than the others to me.

I'd reccomend moving the main minerals away from the edge a bit.

I'd put water behind the min onlys, because I don't see much benefit in the current setup, and it can definitely create pathing issues atm ._.

Maybe make more of the middle unbuildable. Terran has a really easy time pushing tvp on this map atm. Maybe convert the map to jungle, because ruins doesn't look like shit and rocks do ._.

Your concept is interesting and innovative for sure, but I wonder how balance will work with it. Looks really hard for pvz and tvz. Tvz because you need that second gas pretty soon, and muta are going to dominate you either way. If you put the cc in the main, its minerals are fucked, it looks hard to make a viable turret position, putting them just behind the minerals won't help much. If you put the cc at the gas, it makes the path from main2nat really long, and creates massive pathing problems for marines running back and forth. For pvz, p needs that second gas even sooner, and it looks really hard to FE properly on the gas side =/ For zvt, I think it's maybe more balanced since zerg will probably be forced to take his 2nd gas later, but I don't think anything stops z from taking his 2nd gas on time zvp.

Did you test if the neutrals are ling-tight? Especially for purple/red.

Overall though, I'd say the map is decent, especially for it being your first map in like 2 years lol.
On badlands you will need the badlands ramps. Jungle ramps COULD fit, but you'd be lucky.
Well thx for ur quick analysis marejoo. I'm in a really bad position to discuss about balancing because I've never been good enough to base an opinion on my experience..


1. Blue's highground is supposed to be same size as teal since I used a mirror tool( but I changed few things to remove that visual aspect of the map). I will check deeper into this one. :P

2. Purple/red space can be fixed if necessary by removing the "fantasy terrain work" in the corners

3. I tryed to copy paste a ramp from jungle but it didn't work.. :( and the badlands ramp has something wrong with it (I think)

4. I've seen worse pathing issue than this since it's opening is quite close but I will wait few more opinions :o

I want to stick with badland tileset mostly because jungle is so overused. I assume if you suggest to put more unbuildable ground in middle is because it's too tight? I though it was big :( ( I could add rocks between asphalt ) or redo the whole middle D: )

You state zvt might be hard for t. I though that the current nat setup was'nt favoring zergs since they need gas.. I though it would be harder for t in pvt but as I said :P don't listen to me.

Terran could build up a rax and lift it behind the minerals forcing zergs to destroy their neutral buiolding and then terrans could be strong?!

I really though terrans would be in a good position due to the slight advantage terran get by controling behind the nat ( drop or stuffs like this )

to make asphalt unbuildable u need to copy tiles from its bridge.

"I'd put water behind the min onlys, because I don't see much benefit in the current setup, and it can definitely create pathing issues atm ._." idd
yeah, i was about to say exactly the same
rocky ground looks bad, but you can copy paste the asphalt from the bridge doodad.
then you'll have unbuildable asphalt.

i don't understand how is the minonly setupo suppose to work :S
terran can lisftoff cc and deffend the ramps with few units (tigh choke) i think you should place a mineral fields or something to prevent terran cc liftoff.
map is fucking awesome
"i don't understand how is the minonly setupo suppose to work :S
terran can lisftoff cc and deffend the ramps with few units (tigh choke) i think you should place a mineral fields or something to prevent terran cc liftoff."

idk why i didn't put a mineral field to prevent this.. I guess that's why i posted it in its early stage. But you mention the ramps are easily defendable with "few units".. what is the difference between this map and a standard natural except the fact that this particular nat setup has another surrounding path to avoid the ramps.

I also though of an idea which include d webs on the plateau between the 2 ramps. Would that make fights more interresting? Just a though... And I might not be able to improve it much until tuesday :(.

modified by trcc
wow. great concept.
i mean terran FEing in maps like longinus or blue storm will have a very big choke where fast units like zerglings and zealots can attack you.

here you can deffend the ramp with scvs and marines with a safe inside expo. and zerg will have to build a hatchery to deffend the choke with sunken colonies.
I though you mentioned the other ramps, my bad. Then, to balance this out would be either 1: enlarge a little bit the main base ramp. or 2: reduce minerals in the main base from 8 to 7?! what race has the most significant advantage of having a mineral only expo inbase?


- 2 mineral chunk. closest to mineral line is 16 and second is 8.
- made main base mineral formation like Starparty :P
- Added more room behind main base minerals
- Changed purple/red main base size after nightmarejoo recomandation.
modified by trcc
modified by trcc
what race has the most significant advantage of having a mineral only expo inbase?

depends on different stuff but generally i would say terran

dont make main ramp too large, that will prevent strategies like fast gas vs zerg which is kinda cool :P

i like the reverse grass ramps more :(

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