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Last update for (4)Kingdom of Aragua : 2007, 10, 09 16:01
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
313 (4)Kingdom of Aragua 128*128trcc0.8final

The map has been rated 97 times and got a total of 80 points

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Comments:   GMCS (6 elements)

I made this one on august 9 -_-

My second entry to the map contest.
I also like this map really well, good job. I think that the expansions in the very middle should be removed since they are very much in the way of the battle. Maybe you could put 3 mineral patches at the end of each raised jungle next to each natural and remove the middle ones. But that's just my idea, very nice map :).
This is a great map no question.
The only thing that bothers me are the unequal mineral only positions. Top-left and down-right bridges are quite pointless, while the two athers are of some importance.
The middle expansions are cool for 2on2. I think they should stay;O
i like this map very much. its balanced, but i think the middle expansions arent important for this map. so u can leave them out... ive played it several times with my allys and we`ve tried to take the expansions in mid/late game and its nearly impossible to hold them.
IMO they do serve a purpose which is to prevent deadlocks. I say keep them.
Yeah, I would keep them too. Imo mapcontrol should be rewarded. It's probably more important for low level play than better level, because bad players sometimes turtle like mad, so a team that already has a big advantage would not be able to finish it. In situations like this, this expansions might come handy.
I'm more and more impressed. There are so much great maps on this site already, just awesome.

btw, this map is awesome too somehow. It's basic but fresh. I don't think the middle expos are in the way, if you walk straight to your enemy, they aren't in the way at all, just if you change your route, and then it is something, you have to be aware of maybe (or get an advantage out of!).

The bridges may be "imbalanced" but i like them as well. This imbalance impact isn't a real problem or make the map somehow imbalanced, so, i really like this one!
Hmmm, i wonder how the game looks like if a T on top right position slowly pushes towards the lower right corner.

He could easily defend his entry and his min-only by positioning some tanks near the bridge and the jungle-to-mainbase-cliff choke, and turtly on right hand side towards the enemy, using the island with tanks as well. ANd he would be covered somehow by the centered expansions and their jungle as well, so you might have no chance of backstabbing the incoming T?!

Well, just mindfuck, but it could work, slow, but it should not be as hard to manage imo?!

That could be a good tactic on this map for T, i wonder what other races could do against that.
well carriers of course^_^; Really, I don't worry about that.
touche ;) me neither :)
Well, carriers are not the answer on all questions in PVT. Terrans got used to it by now, and a standard terran can handle them, no matter if with golis or with wraith (depending on the map). The only chance is to harass from cliffs/water at a nearby expo when T went gols.
But Carriers aren't this overwhelming they used to be...

It is like every other strat: It only works if it hits the enemy unprepared.
Nice map, well made. I accidentally posted a replay here twice, though. Would appreciate it if one of them got removed, since it's one and the same rep.
The map seems really well done.
aww why all custom bw maps looks the same?
hey I heard of a stupid idiot flooding all mapcomments with the same fuckin wrong bullshit. Did you see him? well, I thought I'd do the same. because I make usermaps and they're all the same and so I do always the same, expect when someone does anything other, then I do the same.

Well i found four "holes" for tanks. Look GMCS.

Has anyone ever died to stuff like that?
well, it depends on where those holes are. when they are like at this map, somewhere at an unimportant spot, who cares?

but when you look at 9o'clock on old LT's, panschk:
yes, a lot of people have died to stuff like that.
small bridges :l, else good:)


--trcc; flacker[FP] vs Panschk[FP]; ?????(2on2, 1.13)
--Colony)Makro vs Fp]Stonie(1on1, 1.13)
--SisterSadie vs SpacePirate(1on1, 1.13)
--LaO-Artanis vs eHe.Ferri(1on1, 1.13)
--LaO-Artanis vs eHe-FeRRi(1on1, 1.13)
--neocronx vs Colony)Makro(1on1, 1.13)
--LGI, virus_protoss vs Impressive, Lorda(2on2, 1.13)
--LGI, virus_protoss vs Impressive, Lorda(2on2, 1.13)

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