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Last update for (2)Sand Locked : 2008, 11, 26 02:59
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
3359 (2)Sand Locked 128*128Joto2.5betahybrid

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

An idea drawn out by a friend of mine...
Meant to promote hybrid play.

Center mineral blocks are(drawing like)
= (open space, scout can fit)

Islands have 2 geysers, one is reduced 2k gas. Also easy to siege that geyser.

2nd min-only nat is made for a possibility of a proxy, using a probe/scv slide then using the worker to push the unit through the ramp.

Main's have a little outlet behind them that can be reached by a worker at the very bottom/top, where you could hide a proxy robo or factory.

Constructive feedback please?
Too big.
Aight, unlike someone else.. I'll make a constructive feedback .. -_-

First of all, making an island map would probably be the best idea here, because any extremely tight passage like middle one simply makes tanks invincible.. which wasnt ur intention, i think.
So yeah, either making this an island map or openning middle wide open would help on that..
also, the 3 n 9 expos r pretty messed up, especially with that whole unused space, compared to middle's tightness
also, the other expo between nat and the 3 n 9 expo is just weird, and kinda does fit...
Just work on your general expo placements here

Hmm, one more thing that is quite noticable, notice just how tighter the top path to reach behind the main is compared to the bottom one

I havent checked your other maps, but something tells me you can do alot better, just dont give up :P
(ill check your other maps to confirm that with myself Xd )

anyway, try making a 4 player map first, that might help you alot
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Well, just checked em fast, yeah, try 4 player maps first, they r harder to make, but i guess youll learn alot from making 1
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Thank you for the feedback.

I haven't made a 4 player map in a while(not since my last, really really bad map I submitted on here) but I'm working on one at the moment.

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