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Last update for (4)Concrete Concrete : 2007, 09, 25 03:10
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
357 (4)Concrete Concrete 128*128Starparty2.6final

The map has been rated 21 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (3 elements)

tried my best for optimal distances yet a bit artistic. also the center is to promote protoss vs zerg fighting, with lots of small obstacles. Still its wide enough for p to break terran.
how do you do? this terrain is not buildable normally -_-;
Imo this strange arm or nose next to red's and purples choke is a bit too long, for different reasons.

The concrete area is a bit too narrow imo. Removing those little sees would not hurt I think.

Reminds me a lot of gaia on how the gameplay can be completely different depending on position. Cool map overall;)
if you set small doodads on the metal cliff its buildable from (detonation). However its irritating for the eye. or atleast it was on detonation
yeah, the high ground is a pain in the ass to look at. apart from that i like the map. maybe you could make a version with diffrent tileset?
I thought about space, bu i already made silver machine, and wanted some different tileset to make a squarish terrain on.

i think i measured the distances quite ok.. the only bases too far away would be the right ones, but they got the closest airdistance instead.

and the lakes was made cause the asphalty area is huge otherwise.. now i made water atleast so you can still fire over it.
(+) Curvey. Great artistic feel.
(+) Great job hook ramps on _all_ bases. It balances your map and makes it look nice at the same time.
(+) Great job using "broken terrain" around high bases/expansion to negate Seige firing range. I would have never thought of that.
(+) Great job using pools of water to be fighting centers for top and bottom. And great center arena.

(-) If blue or red were zerg, they could overlord explore, and therefore find/get to the isolated expansion faster.
(-) Teal and Purple are too close together. They could seige/drop themselves into oblivion if they weren't teammates.
(-) Since when is the "Structure" tile buildable?
Teal and purple doesnt reach each other with tank fire, and the broken terrain wont allow pushed on it.
I'm pretty sure Structure is buildable. Check for yourself.
it's not, sp uses some hax
Well, I guess it's a decent map for regular play, but not for pro.

Plus, on a 4p map, it's hard to keep it balanced if your only going to use one line of symmetry.

Usually, 4p maps require double symmetry or balance is hard to maintain.
dale, stop acting like you know what you're talking about
He is right to some degree you know :P
but i know what you mean boongee...
Haha, you stole the doodad thing from detonation. Cool looking map though. I like the mid, it looks like itll hold some good battles.

I dislike the entrance to the mains, terran will have a very easy time defending..
I guess the purple location has an advantage because of the ramps beiong so far in. But on all other pos its quite wide, atleast more open than 9 on LT :P But purple terran has alot more difficulty in blocking the double ramp instead.
any major modification suggestions? id just call it final otherwise...
Blah, i play prety bad this time... But i am not gonna share why :P . It's personal :)
Anyway the map looks intresting :). But it hurts my eyes, and this tile makes me lost in the game. I don't know where am i am. Really!
Amazing to see what somebody did with just 2 terrain elements(water & dirt are just as footnote;under 5%).Damn,others need the entire palette and still doesnt reach this quality in a map.

Excellent work,Starparty!
well thank you, but check out Silver Machine. It was an even more succesful project.
I like this one more.The very unusual style,the combination of the 2 elements,idk it's a very unique map. Better than alot of those motw or how they call it.

I think on Silver Machine you have a problem.The middle bases are to close.I mean just when both players start from the middle positions.

Btw I'm pleased to meet you - finally!
hi hi

Gaming on silver machine found it to be a very fun map to play on, just because of the so called "imbalances" = varieties. It was designed for 2v2 fore most though. This was mostly an afternoon of boredom constructed into something.
lancet, they doesnt reach anywhere :P
Interesting map. What I like about the map is how different gameplay will be depending on the starting positions for a 1v1 match. Teal and purple can reach border structures with tanks from the sites I marked on the GMCS. There are border sites from which tanks can also fire but these can be dealt with by ranged units from the mains.

--LGI vs Silveraxe(1on1, 1.13)
--DG)SpoilR vs juanmanova(1on1, 1.15)

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