| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Acro0.91 : 2009, 09, 26 19:09
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 3841 | (4)Acro0.91 | 128*128 | ESK | 2.5 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Moebius | | | Note: Map download is the old version and not the updated version that the picture shows.
Mmm easy 3 expos for terran. modified by neobowman | NastyMarine | | | they should remove one mineral from the mineral only and in-base natural. | NastyMarine | | | i really like this map. Its like a mutated Andromeda. This will be a commonly used map. | larjarse | | | Because the in base expo is a big part of the concept of the map, I don't think it will be removed. Terran can will in and get 2nd gas, but they probably wont be pushing while doing this. All races can get that equally as easy- zerg can sunken main choke and toss can simcity. Terran can will in the natural minonly, but there's no gas. I think that's why 3rd gas is placed so close to a cliff, to prevent them from securing that expo entirely.
I do like this map alot and will download it. Is this already prepared for a pro league? Is that why the author is named proleague? | Nightmarjoo | | | Cuz whoever uploaded doesn't know how to unprotect the map and look at its map description, or was too lazy to open the map in sc and look at the ums triggers or at the map description.
I have mixed feelings on this map. Lot of wasted space, poor use of this symmetry imo (I'd rather have used rotational), map is about as linear as (4)Desert Flower, and overall the map is pretty boring. On the other hand, the bizzare shaped and really small main with the cramped in-base nat that juts out into the middle making it even more vulnerable is a really interesting mechanic lol. | spinesheath | | | Well, I guess you soon won't be able to cite pro maps when talking about wasted space anymore.
I don't like the main/nat setup of this map at all. I can see terrans push from the highground at 12/6 towards the enemies nat frequently. If it is tvp top v top or bottom v bottom that could be quite imbalanced (secure the paths around your nat with tanks in your nat area, push over the hill with dropship support, kill the enemies nat and drop/push from his nat to his main, also securing the exit from his main.
You also can secure half the map by guarding 2 very defensible spots.
I think we might see some carriers again. | Nightmarjoo | | | Well I'm not lost yet, seeing as how most people agree this is one of the weaker mappools from a mapping perspective. | spinesheath | | | But so far neither of my arguments why those maps are bad really depends on wasted space. For example on this map, even if the chokes were a little wider, the issue I mentioned would still exist. | spinesheath | | | looks like they already made major changes. From the VODs I could see:
- Islands are now accessible by land
- both naturals have gas, no split mineral lines.
- expansions on the highground @12/6 (instead of the two next to the high ground)
- second exit from main, towards 12/6. It's a 80 min block and a stasis cell on the outside. So basically useless for the enemy. You could use it to escape a contain or to support a push or expansions in that direction.
Imo they are just randomly changing stuff, hoping that the map will be balanced or whatever. They totally lost track of the map concept, if they ever had any. Looks almost exactly like Andromeda to me, but worse in layout/design. modified by spinesheath |
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