JungleTerrain | | |
My new junglemap, haven't made one in a while.
I wanted to add a minonly, but i don't know exactly where i would want it... so suggestions anyone?
Happy thanksgiving, to anyone who celebrates it(I know it's not thanksgiving yet :P ) |
JungleTerrain | | |
I'm also still working on my other map, i didn't just say "screw that", I'll update it later, been somewhat busy.
Note- Wallins and such might not work or be balanced YET, I haven't tested to the slightest, but I have posted this to merely show the concept. modified by JungleTerrain |
LasTCursE | | |
nice modified by LasTCursE |
NastyMarine | | |
very nice |
Nightmarjoo | | |
not nice |
starparty | | |
http://www.panschk.de/mappage/comments.php?mapid=1455 |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Not bad, I like it just deco this crap out of it :)
Also first thing I realized Is that map really really needs min only's, u have to fined where u want them, id give u some suggestions but im in a bit of a hurry, il prob give u my opinion of where u can put them, but Id need 2 c the map in + detail. modified by sTY_leZerG-eX |
MorroW | | |
a good mapmaker with bad ideas
^^ |
LasTCursE | | |
MorroW and you must be the bad map maker with the korean ideas ? xD |
JungleTerrain | | |
this map is not in its final form, so please tell me what needs to be changed. I don't just want your theory crafting, I NEED it, along with suggestions.
I'll try this again: - any suggestions? |
LasTCursE | | |
it's a pretty basic map nothing special you can do ;d |
MorroW | | |
well im not looking at the deco, ofc its not done
the symmetry is well done ergo the good mapmaking^^
one thing u can do is add a minonly like faoi has, but if u do this i suggest u give 4th less mineral patches
another thing u should do is add unbuildable ground around the min-onlys and just have it buildable by the actual minonlys and by the very cliff edge, ill show a picture
these overlord spots u have by the naturals can be sniped easily by moving a marine to the high ground, just like othello and that was 1 of the few reasons it was so terran favored ^^
remove the water at the corners, its just annoying everybody who plays the map ^^
and in the middle u could add some temple shit like colo2, i think that would be really cool, atm toss got way too much flanking room imo
MorroW | | |
but yet if u do this u basically have a reverse byzantium with low ground mains lol |
jungleterrain | | |
The mid is not final, and I actually did intend to do some colo thing in the mid, but i kept it plain so that i wouldn't have anything to worry about anything when i made big edits. They are as is just so that I can later "play" around with them. |
JungleTerrain | | |
weird how i can't edit my post. |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
U cant edit ?
wtf why ?
Oh and what u gona do with the min only's ? |
JungleTerrain | | |
I'll first try to implement morrow's ideas, since he's a pretty reliable mapper and is the only one who has suggested anything so far.
And don't worry about the edit thing, it's not important.
-I'll update soon. |
LasTCursE | | |
modified by LasTCursE |
JungleTerrain | | |
I did most of the decoration, but now I'm missing doodads. Sorry for the long update, but I've had a lot to do with school and different stuff like that. I'm glad to be back, and I'm not done with my other map, which is unfinished.
-Any more suggestions, comments, criticisms?
There might be too many mineral patches per player, but I'll need more input from others.
Merry Christmas |
LasTCursE | | |
Man this looks awesome in the mini picture :o
Merry x-mas to you too ;) modified by LasTCursE |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Good job deco looks outstanding :) |
JungleTerrain | | |
not done with it, too |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Check ur ramps, there is a pretty big chunk missing on the ramp at 6 o'clock. |
JungleTerrain | | |
I didn't see that lol good thing you pointed that out.
Fixed. |
JungleTerrain | | |
-Finished decoration, all 600 something doodads of it. |
sTY_leZerG-eX | | |
Nice looking good, ending version looks outstanding, my only complaint I that its 2 standard 4 my taste. |