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Last update for (2)The Omen : 2010, 04, 18 00:55
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4001 (2)The Omen 128*96coV2.4betaground

The map has been rated 8 times and got a total of 19 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

what happened to the rest of it...
okay so my map for the TL liquid...LOL
of course its very very beta but im still thinking of where to put the 2nd and 3rd nat, etc etc

im also trying to make this interesting so yeah, ill be continuing the map tomorrow, if you have some suggestions ask me if you want and ill see if i can put it up there

and sorry for just putting it in this form, i just wanted it out
modified by coV
its hard to make suggestions like this
hehe well all i ask is if you CAN make suggestion if you cant then no worries.
lol OMG

This is not beta, its BETA!!!!!
coV thats 2 much
too much what?
2 Beta oc I think I have only seen 1 other map as beta as urs here.
lol.. the one with words on it right?
lol yeah I hated that one, he also never gave an up date.
Alpha is what you call this, guys.
Holy shi-

Looks like an attempt to get map-id 4000.
modified by Kinosjourney
omg wtf is with the picture, ill try to get it off later

anyways i just lost interest in map making when i was making one for Husky's competition, nv got to finish it. Now it's not that much of a beta, ill be fixing stuff here and there. This was basically a mix of small heartbreak and blue storm.

I'm going to add a close natural spot somewhere but still thinking.

Got the hbr neutral building/stacked 0 value minerals (10). it is probably going to cause path issue when you expo 3 and 9, not sure il test it when i have the chance.

yeah that is for now obviously deco is not done

Tell me what you think.
wow i love this one :O i think it needs another ramp infront of the natural tho so your army dosen't get tank raped in the ally while trying to get to the ridge..
Nat gas looks tankable from the other side of the river =p.

If it gets to late game, it could end up like those Blue Storm split map games. Except worse since the center is smaller.
everything here is tankable, but it's such a sweet looking map!! ^^
modified by LasTCursE
thanks LastCurse i am planning to put a path closer but ramps take quite of space so im just thiking grass blending would work.

neobowman yeah that was what i was worried about tankable nats and split up sides...

Ill try my best to make it non tankable and using space from the fireball thingy.

okay update!


-made extra space from naturals and changed the mineral formations
-about the tankability i decided to add some doodads.
-made 3rd gas more bigger and ill be putting doodads. its almost nontankabe
-added another pathway outside natural and blended with some jungle.
-shifted the bottom ramps more to the corner expo
-made middle ramps bigger

modified by coV
anyone know how to make a map preview like SC2 where it shows the whole map but in fog of layer form?
It actually wont work in mele man, no matter what u do, only in obs version u will be able 2 see what u have revealed.
How 2 do it:
Click on the fog of war layer an start drawing, but look at the number of player ur in.
Ul have 2 draw what u want for all the players except the obs oc.
But if its a 2 player map just draw and revel for players 1 and 2.
If its a 3 player map for players 1,2 and 3
If its a 4 ...
Do it for all the guys that are playing I recommend, but if ur goal is 2 reveal all map so that players know what is going on, then make sure to reveal all except around the mains so that start location and race remain hidden. (Unless ur planing 2 write cov in the middle of the map as a cool logo or something, then also reveal for players 5,6,7,and 8, no + than that.)

U can see examples of this in my maps (2)SpiderMonkey and (2))Pixys wish.
hmm if i want the obs to see it do i do it for players 3-8?
Is that really important?

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