| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Scar Tissue : 2010, 01, 26 18:34
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4008 | (2)Scar Tissue | 96*96 | Pr0nogo | 2.5 | final | ground | The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Pr0nogo | | | Three stacked temples and ten stacked Mineral fields per small ramp. | Kinosjourney | | | You named the map after the Red Hot Chilli Peppers song?
ON topic: I like the map idea (low minerals and small main) but theres so many problems that's it's not playable. sorry. | Pr0nogo | | | Yes, and the only problems I see are the tankability of the sunken sandy pit expansions (which are built that way on purpose) and the tightness. Care to point out what you found so 'unplayable' about it? | Gnom | | | Terran>all
couldnt you widen the nat entrances (and the entrances in general) a bit? | JungleTerrain | | | Can I point out what's unplayable? so, Mr. Mobility, how do you move a big army from one side of the map to the other? really, the map is annoying to play since the middle is blocked, there will be pathing issues, the small passages through bridges are annoying to large number of units, the natural expansions are too safe because of distance and very tight choke, and the map FORCES you to start using dropship play of some sort to get to the island expansions, since the other expoes are just too exposed/far/lacking in resources. | Pr0nogo | | | So, basically, widen bridges/entrances and pump more resources into the nats, and move the resources themselves closer to the choke? | Testbug | | | welcome to broodwarmaps.net Pr0nogo, please readthe articles about map making, and race balance.
and compare your work with korean professional maps, look at your tight chokes!
also, the mineral blocks and temples will cause path issue. you don't really need that. | Pr0nogo | | | Alright, the map is scrapped. | LasTCursE | | | Testbug is back Hoorayy!! when are you going to make a new map =] |
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