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Last update for (2)Pixys wish : 2010, 03, 25 04:00
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4013 (2)Pixys wish 96*128sTY_leZerG-eX2.1finalground

The map has been rated 79 times and got a total of 165 points


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Comments:   GMCS (2 elements)

Ok here Is my new map for the Team Liquid competition.
As you might have noticed this is still not done, far from it actually, I just wanted to upload it so you guys get the idea, and so that I can get some feed back on it.

About the map:

The theme of the map is Found Temples & Decimated Earth
First thing you should know is that there are no stacked neutral buildings.
Also to understand the map you must understand the middle:

As you can see there are 4 mineral patches none of theme is stacked, and they have a value of 24 each, on top of them there is a swarm to have protection vs harassing units while trying ti mine the block out.
The rest is pretty straight forward (But not standard) so yeah give me some feed back

Serious tank holes (check GMCS).

Looks pretty good otherwise. Might want to add snow or some other terrain to make all the dirt less bland.
lol yeah those are intentional.
Don't you think it's pretty heavy harrasable?
- main has 2 entrances
- main to nat entrance is big(don't think it's wallable)
- nat has a giant ramp+back door
- nat has a cliff behind it
- Min only and third gas can be tanked by the cliff
- The middle "wall thing" with the outpost will make a Mech army so strong.. it will just own every unit without the terran loosing almost anything..

the only kinda safe expansion is thoose in the corners :D

i wanna see it when it's kinda done and with some deco added i don't like right now sry :(

modified by LasTCursE
Yeah, it's too easily harassed. Try playing it with some friends.
lol its ok if you dont like it, glad ur honest, so what should I get rid of?
1.)Make the middle more opened
2.)Move the third gas from the cliff next to the wall
3.)Make the main entrance smaller and wallable
4.)Remove the cliff behind the natural

btw i like that idea with the bridge ^^ i had something similar in maps but it was on a expansion xD
"btw i like that idea with the bridge ^^ i had something similar in maps but it was on a expansion xD"
Persona anyone?
persona ?!?! wtf are you talking about ?! xD
Persona has swarms yeah (And I don't see how my map and that one relate), but my idea actually was the min block incorporating with a swarm...
Anyways here is it used in a different way but the same idea on one of my maps

modified by Nightmarjoo
Ok small up date:

-Fixed the main3 nat choke ( wall in is now possible )

-Nat cant be cliffed now (Removed the tank areas)

-Removed and thined up a bit the middle (Now there is + flanking space)

-The 3rd gas cant be tanked from the low ground now.

KK thats the up date feed back plz.
This was my idea for the third but if you like it this way :)

May be you can put some smaller bridges for more movement and flanking like this

For the tank holes you can use this :)

This map can become awesome has alot of potencial in it :)
modified by LasTCursE
modified by Nightmarjoo
WoW, lol, thnx a lot.
Il see what I can do and Il get 2 it !!

:) thnx a lot again.
np :)
Ok small up date, again:

-There no longer are any tank holes in the outpost (neither high outpost or low outpost)

-Fixed the hole 3rd gas area.

I didn't touch the bridge because I like its positioning and size. Its positioning because I like the little zigzag ground units have to do when they use it, if the want to get from nat2nat, also I think its better, and + interesting looking this way, instead of having it just facing forward. This way also makes distances a bit longer.
Now you have deco it so it can get the awesome looks :}
Up date!:

- Deco Is up

- Middle doodads have been placed ( There are still not done yet I will place a bit + of them on next up date )

- Moved the minerals on the 4th gas

Map is not yet done doodads on the high ground haven't been placed yet. Also I have tested all the neutrals buildings and spells, they work, but I still need to ling test all of them. [Reminder](there are no stacked buildings)
I don't like the lack of an easy 3rd. Players should have options between which expo to take as their 3rd. The corner expo is so far away. I think you need a min only near the xel nagas on the lowground, or by the protoss temples in the middle. The current min only I think you could remove. I think you can remove or fill-in those protoss temples, they just create pathing issues imo without significantly increasing the distance around the compound.

Does the swarm not crash the map? Looks like it might if part of it is on the water.

I would replace the xel nagas with stacked protoss temples or psi disruptors, xel nagas, especially more than one just takes fucking forever to clear. I don't think it will ever be broken down as it is now without players putting all their efforts into killing them just to prove me wrong.

I don't like the gap between the geyser and the wall (there's no compound guarding it to the entrance side). It really undoes good walls vs z for p and potentially t, and could do the same for t vs p. No reccomendations aside from: you should fix it. Maybe use a neutral, or put the geyser in the middle of the mineral formation and put some minerals in its place and connect the compound to the minerals forming a block but without completely stopping units (such as scv) from going around.

I don't like the pathing from the sl to the nat. The distance from sl and main choke is short, so this is fairly awkward for building placement imo. Fighting spirit is similar, but has much longer main2nat distance so it's ok. Consider either moving the formation to the other side of the main and flipping it, or making it a horizontal formation with gas on the left instead.

Rofl, remove those silly minerals on the bridge. They are silly.

Are the neutrals on the 2nd path leading from the nat for bottom right ling tight? I dunno if I like those buildings as a choice for neutrals, or if you need neutrals there at all. Think about whether you'd mind removing them or not, I don't think they're very important/useful.

Consider dramatically reducing the amount of snow in the map, it's really hard on the eyes in-game.

Think you could remove the power generators, they're too weak to make a difference, they just disrupt pathing. Anything stronger would just be tedious. You've got 390509345 neutrals on the map, and only two are serving any real good purpose: the xel nagas (which are too high hp and you have too many (two)) and the power generators in the nat. All those neutrals are just really fucking annoying and tedious to deal with for players. It fucks up pathing and needlessly gives the players more work, very annoying.

Otherwise, I like the map.
You are right in many aspects, Il see what I can do.
And there is something wrong with the site or something because:
Because the small preview picture is up dated, but if you click on the pic to make pic larger it gives you the old pic... wtf

And I have re uploaded it at least 3 times and no changes....

They look the same to me. Did you try refreshing the image (f5) ?
Ok just got a brain wave:

How about an easy R 3rd gas expo there:

That way the neutral block can stay and 2 hard 4rd gas problem fixed ?
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
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Nice man that definitely looks cool, but I would like to see the hole map 2 get a good idea of whats going on.
There is no map ^^ this even was a edition of erebos :D ^^ it's just an idea :)
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Thats actually not half bad, but the high ground is regular size in this one, look at Lastcurse's imo thats sexyRr.
Ok up date, NEED LAST MINUTE FEED BACK, have to meet the dead line.(possible final version is up)

- Removed the mineral block on the bridge

- Added a mineral only at the 12 and 6 o'clock expos. This way players have a easer, closer expo 2 take.

- Added a gas to the previous mineral only at 5 and 2 o'clock expos. Gas has 3000(not regular amount).

- All neutral buildings are ling proof and work fine.

- The swarm also works (Doesn't crash game)

- And all doodad are now in place

-Deco is also 100% done

Ok need some feed back b4 dead line !!
modified by sTY_leZerG-eX
if i have to be honest when i first saw this uploaded i thought that there is no way it's gonna get any better.. but when i look at it now and i ask my self "can this awesome map be the same snow thing?" ^^

You did a very good job with it :} almost like a miracle ^^ you are the Jesus of maps :D
Change it to one Xel naga Temple. I've played Seven Sins numerous times and one temple is enough.

Maybe shelter the new mineral only a bit more with cliffs. Just a bit more.
Ok fixed mineral only.
I did how ever leave the 2 Xel nagas
Can you explain why you chose to ignore most of my suggestions? Obviously it's your map and you can do what you'd like with it, but I'd like to know if you had any real reasoning behind your decisions.
And, guys please make images with width='650', your too-big images are breaking the site layout and I can't get to the menus on the right side if the images are larger. I'm tired of editing them for you guys.
Dude its mostly because Im out of time 4 the competition, also part because I dont fully understand ur perspective in some aspects Il explain + detailed in a couple of hours, and if I have time il edit map. (If I dont il edit it after the competition with + time)

Sry but can you tell me what would be the fast couple of things you would change from the map atm ?
I would:
  • Make the xel nagas stacked protoss temples (1500) as seen in medusa and hbr
  • Remove most snow on the map in favour of dirt and grass
  • Remove the temples in middle (completing the wall or leaving the holes, either is fine, I think I prefer the former though) as well as the power generators not in the nats, and either delete or replace with stacked protoss temples the psi disruptors (unless you feel strongly about keeping these, I don't feel strongly either way for this feature)
  • Somehow fix the vulnerability to safe FE walls in the nats between the geysers and the outpost

    That's all of my post I can think of without looking at my original post, and if I forgot anything it's probably worth forgetting about.
  • LasTCursE
    * Agree
    * Disagree
    * Disagree
    * Agree
    Ok so I'm to late to actually update to map in time 4 the competition. :(
    But that means that I can take my time with a nice update.
    The snow I really dont want to remove because Its actually not just snow its a custom terrain combination of rocky snow and moguls [Open map up and see the beauty (It looks even better in the actual game)]
    I really wonder whats wrong with the Xel nagas? I mean yeah they have a lot of health but I think its ok I mean with such a harass heavy nat do you really want an easy back door? And 2 Xel nagas have been done B4.
    Ok about the nat how should I fix? Plz some suggestions ( The + suggestions the better )
    OMG I just found out, there is a problem with the map!!

    It like crashes but in a weird way, and its not the sprites I think.
    This only happens in the obs map, or when u play ums.

    Its like opponents can see each others mains and bases, and its weird dono well how to explain it..

    Plz this canot stay like this help?
    It's this problem, i just checked it
    look options for force 1, you forgot to untick "allied","share vision","enable allied victory", just keep "randomize start location"
    modified by ProTosS4EveR
    lol yeah u where right thnx alot P4ever.
    Map should work fine now.
    (Spider monkey had same problem 2, its good now 2)
    hey lezerg, i saw this quite a few times on bnet. ppl must like this map. But when i played it, it was pretty hard to stop pushes as a pvt. basically one short route and tanks kept pushing my goons back. if theres any way to make it a bit more easier to maneuver thatd be good.
    I had some pathing issues when playing this map.. also I wasn't able to place a Nexus tight to the mineral only near upper left main. Nice map though I really wanted to vote for it. But you're too damn good! I know both ur maps will get a lot of votes!

    --1vamipr1 vs G_oUsT[aK](1on1, 1.15)
    --ArchAngel vs G_oUsT[aK](1on1, 1.15)
    --NaDaJay vs G_oUsT[aK](1on1, 1.15)

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