| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)AbsoluteTruth : 2010, 02, 02 04:18
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4016 | (2)AbsoluteTruth | 128*96 | Rutegar | 2.3 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 24 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
rutegar | | | This map was created for the TL map competition, following the theme "Zerg Invasion" (note: not all the creep shows up on the picture). The mineral scheme is meant to follow that of Blue Storm, and there are 4 neutral eggs blocking one of the bridges into the third, and a row of mostly 0-value mineral patches (with some 16-value minerals to prevent early penetration) blocking the high ground separating the third from the fourth. | sTY_leZerG-eX | | | Gas issue ... | Rutegar | | | Alright, I made sure both main geysers are on the left--if that's not optimum, at least it's fair... If there are any other blatant errors, throw them at me ASAP! | Rutegar | | | Well the TL map competition is ending soon and I'd like to get some feedback in order to make any last minute changes that could improve the map before voting. My main concern is the neutral infested command centers blocking the fourth gas--though I initially thought they'd force a player to have to commit more to take the base (by having to send a small attack force instead of just a single worker), now I can't help but wonder if it would only stifle creativity and tricky play by forcing the players to expand in a pre-set order. Any thoughts or other concerns about the map? |
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