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Last update for (2)Teppelin : 2010, 04, 24 19:51
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4081 (2)Teppelin 128*96neobowman0.4betaground

The map has been rated 47 times and got a total of 17 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

By popular demand.

All high ground except the mains is unbuildable. Drop spots also unbuildable. I'm actually trying to find a good way to deco the top and bottem paths while still keeping it unbuildable. Will work on that when I'm actually trying to deco well.

Backdoor psi disrupter has 2000 hp. No stacking. I was going to leave it open Bifrost style, but decided against it. I'm relatively certain there are no pathing issues. I'd be very surprised if there were.

Main gas has 6000 to compensate for lack of quick third gas. All other resource values are standard. I'm thinking Zerg might have some trouble here.

I'm planning to move the start posiitions closer to the ramp next edit.
I like it alot. would love to get some games on it
imo, the nat2nat choke distances are too close. It might be from the picture, though. I would need to look at it closer.

The only thing I fear is a strong terran push through the middle; it seems very hard to stop because of lack of open spaces.

Im not a fan of the bottom/top paths into the mains because I feel that it just takes space away from the middle, although not that much. I suggest removing it.
And yes, it looks hard to secure a third gas, especially for a zerg.
Long time no see on the site.
Ugh I like the map, but I dont I think you could make it better after all its just a (2)player map those are easy to make.
In my opinion it lacks bridges, cool shapes, style and pimpage.
Lol, 4 player maps are easier for me. And besides, I was never good with that kind of stuff. I can't make maps look omgwtfbbq awesome like Style, coV and others can.
Lol neobowman sure u can, it just takes will.

I like the map I had not seen it, I do agree with razt in a couple of things tho, I do thing u need a bridge somewhere, at least 1, it always makes a map look pimp.
So here are some ideas:
I think u could change the ramps a bit (in the middle) maybe keep some, but also mix it up(exactly how? I dont know, but do something about it)
Use maybe these somewhere:

I would also do this changes:

See I would remove that min only u have near the main (The one i crosses in green) Because u already have 5 expos there that are clearly all reds, so blue cant take them! An they are all 2 near 2 each other and 2 near 2 the main, so remove that.
And I would place it somewhere in the red circle I made, I would also make it a 6 or 7 min patch base. (All this 2 give flavor 2 ur concept of those big high platform halls)

Also u see the purple exclamation symbol ?
Well there are 2 problems there:

1) gas is tankable, and maybe even a min patch or 2.

2)That neutral u used, I love it, it looks so cool, but I would replace it because terrans can repair those, and thats just not fair or balanced so yeah.

Fix that up ad i will probably really dig the map! And maybe even razt :)
But I do like the map, gj
Will do. And where'd you get that ramp? I wants!
Should I upload ?
Edit: Tried to reduce the space the top and bottom paths took up a bit. Tried decoing a bit more and failed. Moved mineral only to where style suggested, and moved start location closer to the natural a bit.

Changed the psi disrupter to a power generator. Still repairable, but a lot less HP.
Oh, and I reduced the difference between the top and bottom paths. As in both the space they took up and the amount of room units have to move around in.
modified by neobowman
More edits: Stacked backdoor power generator 10 times to help forge FE. Moved mineral only a bit. Made low ground outside natural unbuildable. Tried to widen centre a bit by moving one of the high groudn areas further and making it smaller. Started on my terrible deco but got tired halfway through.

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