| Back to "beta" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (2)Screw You : 2011, 07, 03 18:46
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4368 | (2)Screw You | 96*128 | Jungleterrain | 2.4 | beta | ground | The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
JungleTerrain | | | My newest 2 player map.
I like Jungle terrain :)
The middle gases are there to limit army movement and make a very indirect route, because I want to make the gameplay revolve around the sides.
I know this map could turn out very macro oriented and could get split by players very easily, but I just wanted to try this concept out. Have no idea how balance will work out here, since it's kind of experimental.
I do worry for zerg in TvZ, though, because of the backdoor. In PvZ, I worry more about Protoss. TvP should not suck that much, I think.
THE NATURAL EXPANSION: 7 patches ---> Seven 1500 patches. 2000 value vespene geyser.
THE "BACKDOOR" DT-BLOCKED EXPANSION: 7 patches ---> Seven 1000 patches. 2000 value vespene geyser.
GG modified by JungleTerrain | JungleTerrain | | | Decoration not done. The gases in the middle don't show up ingame. I need to fix that, but you get the main idea.
Forgot to mention that the gas in red's main is tankable from the outside, and I will be fixing that in the next update. modified by JungleTerrain | Freakling | | | I am affraid destroying the assimilator gate will turn the middel entirely useless and the whole map into a circular layou that is more a gamble of attacking/defending the right route between bases than anything else.
Move your scout worker into the enemy main, then use the backdoor expo's minerals to slide your worker through the DTs and hit stop when it is on top. With some luck that opens the backdoor for you to abuse for any early rush you please. In fact it would be extraordinarily bad luck if you couldn't at least slip some Zerglings through... | LasTCursE | | | DAMN THIS MAP IS SWEET :P VERY NICE JOB THERE JUNGLE :))
| JungleTerrain | | | It's ok. I just wanted to make a sort of experimental map.
I could always change the dts for lurker eggs (which don't move when workers pass through them) and then place an arbiter to give them cloak. Although that changes the nature of the backdoor a bit and introduces some new issues. |
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