| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Crowna1.1 : 2011, 07, 09 16:56
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 4371 | (4)Crowna1.1 | 128*128 | PhilipJayFry | 2.4 | final | ground | The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
PhilipJayFry | | | this is one of my older maps but i really like it. made some changes lately thats why its the 1.1 version. would like to hear some feedback of you guys :)
since this ash-tileset is bit hard to see i ve uploaded a picture with the biggest possible resolution here: Crowna 1.1
don t know if this backentrance is a good idea, couldnt try it yet. modified by PhilipJayFry | K_A | | | I'm gonna bump this map since noone has posted anything on it. I think it will play pretty standard.
That back enterance idea was one of my ideas that crystal used in a few of his maps. Everyone else thought it was useless, but I still like the idea :) If you want it to work though, you should probably give it a little more space, and make sure it's unbuildable. | Freakling | | | Too many expos tank each other... Which is relatively harmless compared to all the awkward tank holes everywhere. | PhilipJayFry | | | thanks for the feedback guys :)
@K_A: sorry when i stole your idea but im pretty new to this site and i didnt saw something like that before^^ and yeah, its already unbuildable
@Freakling: im sorry to say that but i dont exactly understand what spots you mean. tankshot from this min-only to the next expo? i guess you are right... when i find the time to fix this ill make it :) | K_A | | | lol You can steal my idea :D
Anyways... tanks holes=big nono.
Terran can put a tank in there, and the other player is basically screwed unless they have mutas or scouts etc. |
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