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Last update for (6)Redheart Ridge : 2011, 10, 06 05:49
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4428 (6)Redheart Ridge 128*128CardinalAllin0.9betaground

The map has been rated 49 times and got a total of 46 points


You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

23rd August 2011
Version 1.0 Redheart Ridge
A 3vs3 player map where allies spawn together under Use Map Settings.
The map is designed to feel familiar to current 1vs1 Korean tournament maps, especially Bloody Ridge but adapted for team play.

Thankyou to Nightmarjoo and others for their guides.

29th August 2011
Version 2.0 Redheart Ridge
-Removed Player One and Player Fours nearest Third Base (12 o clock and 6 o clock)(Players spawns are clockwise).
-Removed one set of minerals and gas from the North West and South East Bases (from 3 down to 2).

7th September 2011
Version 3.0 Redheart Ridge
-Opened the vertical paths in the North West and South East
-Filled Tank Spots
-Adjusted Turret Spots
-Improved Ramp Blends
-Added Doodads

9th September 2011
Version 4.0 Redheart Ridge
-Added reinforced concrete walls to the 1 o clock and 7 o clock Naturals.
-Changed defeat triggers so that players will not see the defeat screen until they and their allies have all lost their buildings.

17th September 2011
Version 5.0 Redheart Ridge
-Larger Main Bases and reworked shapes.
-Blue and Orange Naturals moved closer to the Mains.
-Altered buildable areas at the highground shared expansions.
-New custom cliffs.
-Altered lowground shared expansions.

23rd September 2011
Version 5.1 Redheart Ridge
-Cosmetic improvements

Timelapse Video

Link to Teamliquid thread:

Military Research has always enjoyed a large budget. The government of the Terran Confederacy was not an organisation that bucked this trend.

One significant focus of research for the Confederates was studies of the Zerg race. These studies were made in secret on the Fringe Worlds at facilities such as Jacobs Installation on Mar Sara and Flannum Installation on Chau Sara. However, they were primarily built for scientific laboratory tests. The military division of the Confederacy was keen to conduct its own experiments on the Zerg, and the Flannum Installation was chosen as the site to be extended for this purpose. An outdoor area was constructed initially for live fire exercises, and to improve bunker designs for use against the alien race.

General Edmund Duke while visiting the facility was impressed by the progress he witnessed and secured funding for further development. As the military simulations were expanded, an entire section of Redheart Valley was bulldozed with heavy plant to allow mechanized combat. In its final form before the Protoss cleansed the planet, the site was large enough to accommodate a full battalion of soldiers for the advancement of complex battle tactics. And ofcourse, Chau Sara with its resident penal colony meant that a ready supply of volunteers for the live fire training was always available.
modified by CardinalAllin
Looks Playable
I don't really know how to tell how balanced a map like this would be :o
Ugly lines.
Expo distribution terrible.
add more ridges so it stand up to the name better :D
This is not SC2 so this concept won't work very well cuz if players spawn one next to each other they will beat the shit out of each other's buildings with tanks and stuff
modified by LasTCursE
Lastcurse, this is a UMS 3v3 map which takes care of the starting location problem.
Military Research has always enjoyed a large budget. The government of the Terran Confederacy was not an organisation that bucked this trend.

One significant focus of research for the Confederates was studies of the Zerg race. These studies were made in secret on the Fringe Worlds at facilities such as Jacobs Installation on Mar Sara and Flannum Installation on Chau Sara. However, they were primarily built for scientific laboratory tests. The military division of the Confederacy was keen to conduct its own experiments on the Zerg, and the Flannum Installation was chosen as the site to be extended for this purpose. An outdoor area was constructed initially for live fire exercises, and to improve bunker designs for use against the alien race.

General Edmund Duke while visiting the facility was impressed by the progress he witnessed and secured funding for further development. As the military simulations were expanded, an entire section of Redheart Valley was bulldozed with heavy plant to allow mechanized combat. In its final form before the Protoss cleansed the planet, the site was large enough to accommodate a full battalion of soldiers for the advancement of complex battle tactics. And ofcourse, Chau Sara with its resident penal colony meant that a ready supply of volunteers for the live fire training was always available.
plagiarism. Go to jail now.
You can not get out after three turns, or roll double numbers.
I got a get out of jail free card! When I search the map database using the 6 player filter, my map does not show up.
Because it is only an observer.
Ah, I guessed as much. What would be the preferred way to fix that, being a UMS only map? I dont want to clog up the site with two versions which are exactly the same.

Also, I have noticed that when playing the map, players do not automatically chat to allies only. It defaults to allchat. Do you know how I can change that?

Thirdly, why is it (n) for melee maps and not (m) Ive always wondered?
1. You only need one map for this if players want to free for all they just don't pick ums. Ally play = ums. No one is going to want to obs a 6 player 3v3 match on this map unless boxor is playing and that's not happening sorry ;)
2. I'm fairly certain that it's impossible to do without euds or mods. There might be an ai script for it, I would check just to make sure. If not go to SEN someone there is bound to know the answer.
3. I think n = normal it's not just for Melee you can play FFA also.
modified by K_A
29th August 2011
Uploaded Version 2.0
@K_A Do you mean ask my question on forums?
N for normal, ah ofcouse.
modified by CardinalAllin
Yes they have forums for ums help >.>
why the fuck you 2 left the game i made one leave and killed the other 2's economy we had that fucking game T_T
Damn it, just watched the replay, we definately would have won. They had armies but absolutely no economy thanks to you, sorry about that LasTCursE. Im annoyed at myself, after seeing our ally leave I didnt pay enough attention to see all the damage you did. Thanks for uploading the replay.

Well, as you will have noticed I changed it back to User Select. This is because the game automatically went to a draw as soon as we started. I will keep it as User Select now, but if you know what I did wrong, it would be good to learn.
it's supose to be user select so ppl can choose races ;D (if that's what you mean)
No, I changed the map so that it would be PTZ vs PTZ every time but it didnt work. As soon as we started the game it shows the menu saying Draw.
Lol @ replay name

"Flisky and Cardinal + ? vs Noobs(1on1, 1.16)"
well if you watch the replay you'll see that they rly are noobs lol
Ive uploaded a replay. Its a real nailbiter.
Do replays even work?
Yes. It's been fixed.
cool :)
7th September 2011
Uploaded Version 3.0

A new update, a new question. Does anybody know how to make it so that when a player has no buildings left, he will not see the defeat screen until his other allies are also at 0 Buildings?
Change defeat trigger from "current player" to "allied victory players"
Thankyou Freakling for the help. I tried that and it didnt debug correctly so I thought I was doing it wrong. I will test it now on ICCup.

Edit, it didnt work. When my ally destroyed his buildings, we both saw the defeat screen. Similarly when using the word "Allies" instead of "Current Player".
modified by CardinalAllin
Copy the trigger condition once, set one to "allies", one to "current player" that should work. It's simple logic.
You can also leave out the defeat trigger entirely, defeat occurs automatically if some one elses victory trigger is met.
Your first suggestion of making two triggers wouldnt work logically but the second suggestion should I believe. So thankyou again. Will test later.
Dont use 2 triggers. Use 2 conditions

Player 1
Player 2


Current Player has 0 buildings
Allies has 0 buildings


Defeat for Current Player

Thats what Freakling said.

And I don-t think the second suggestion would work


modified by ArcTimes
Ah I see, but the reason I made that assumption is because you fell into the same trap I did. You cant select more that one item per trigger (atleast in the Classic Map Triggers Menu anyway).
I solved it by changing "Current Player" to "North East Team" and "South West Team" respectively. We both missed that you can simply select "Force 1".

Ive tested and this works so problem solved. Thankyou for your help.
Has anyone got some opinions on the map? Anyone except LasTCursE played it yet or thinking of?

For example, CrystalDrag, do you still think the expo layout is bad? If not then feel free to alter your original comment because it looks bad when its right at the top!
Why are orange/blue's nat's tankable
Green and Browns are too. Ive addressed this in the teamliquid thread with this copy paste:

@Slaynte, thankyou for the suggestion. I take all suggestions very seriously.
Just to let you know I have considered this already btw. At this point I will refer you to a game between Flash and Sea on Bloody Ridge:

The 6 and 12 o clock bases have unharassable gas naturals because they are slightly more cut off from their teamates initially, and are located nearest the 3rd base so they sometimes become the focus of attention from the enemies at the 10 minute mark. Therefore I wanted this on purpose to potentially shift attention onto the other players. Siege tanks can only kill the gas building and hit one patch.
Again though, if playtesting reveals this to be too powerful I will alter it.
9th September 2011
Uploaded Version 4.0

LasTCursE the Orange and Blues Naturals are still tankable. However they now need vision.

The post above from teamliquid and addressed @Slaynte was specifically about Green and Brown btw.
Map is too messy, imo. I saw some of my friends playing on it.

What I mean is the expos. Like what's going on at 9-10 o clock and 3-4 o clock? I also think most games won't even last that long, since 2v2 play is already fast paced, so 3v3 should be even faster (unless every player turtles, but then players can isolate players with harass, attack 3v1 or something like that).

Not a big fan of 3v3 idea, too, but that's my personal opinion.
modified by JungleTerrain
Ok thanks for the feedback.
I don't think you understand what i ment lol
OK thanks for the screenshot. Ill show you my original concept drawing which I showed to Nightmarjoo:

The two drop spots in the concept drawing were to make the middle spawn position more vulnerable (because they are protected to some extent by their allies).

Two things to remember:
1. Raised jungle does not restrict vision
2. This is a 3v3 map where allies spawn close to each other.

Thanks for taking the time to give feedback. I consider and will be re-considering every suggestion carefully.

@JungleTerrain, Ive slept on reading your comment and still dont really know what you dont like to be honest. Can you elaborate or not really? I know its hard to explain things sometimes.
Bear in mind Ive got over 60 numbered and saved replays of good games from the last week and can safely say that the expos do get used, regularly. Ive played over 100 games on it now.

Also @Nightmarjoo, do you like how the map turned out?
I never said the expos won't EVER get used. You should also get higher level people to play the map, unless you are already doing this.

Just because it works, doesn't mean it's good. From what I can tell from the picture, the mineral lines at the expos are sloppy and awkward.
OK thanks for that, much appreciated. Im truly listening to all feedback carefully and seriously.
Copy mineral lines from pro maps.
Yea do that. Mineral lines looked like phobics a long time ago.
LOL crystal.
Well the mains and nats are copied from bloody ridge and the rest are similar. Which bases dont you like?
modified by CardinalAllin
mineral only and the other expos (which aren't main and nats)
LOL at the first replay. Last BM xD
Arctimes, just got your message thing, sorry I was out. Does anyone know how to remove replays. I want to delete the one I uploaded. (The TP vs TP one).

Im halfway through a massive overhaul update but am on holiday for two days now so I wont reply to this for a bit.
You can not remove replays, i think. Doesnt not matter?..
I deleted it for you.
Where did you play that game? iccup or USEast?

Iccup : was there low lan?

I don't understand what you are trying to say.
17th September 2011
Uploaded Version 5.0

Big update.
Thanks for deleting the replay Freakling, feel free to delete the other one too actually. Its not a great game at all.
@Arctimes, all my games are on ICCup.

Oh yeah, happy with the minerals now? I tested several shapes at the lowground shareds. Among the tests, I tried having them like Circuit Breakers 12 and 6 o clocks put together for more harass and drop play. I also tried putting the two gas geysers next to each other so that one player could donate his gas to an ally for some fun strategies.

But I settled for what you can see.
modified by CardinalAllin
Sorry Cardinal I lost connection and couldn't join iccup x_x
It wasnt just you.
LOL Iccup is having serius problems -_____-
Some skilled players are streaming the map live here
I really dislike this map.. :(
I really dislike this map too.
and copied mineral lines are crap... Its like fastest maps. No diverse set up.. Lame to eyes.
Straight lines of raised jungle is also smit..
ruins on high ground is smit..
mineral onlies = lost temple = sucks
Dead overlords everywhere..
Ramps outward of middle are too small..
modified by CrystalDrag
OK. Please list as many things as you want that you would like changed.

But btw, they arent copy pasted. Each main has an individual setup. When ingame, you can only see one base.

I have a long list of things I want to change personally. Mineral formations is something that keeps coming up here. I didnt expect that.
Edit, ah I posted this before you made the list. Thanks.
23rd September 2011
Uploaded Version 5.1
I made a timelapse video:
LOL, your eally love your map.
Sad that the site is really inactive :(((
I actually check up on BWMN almost every day, except that I'm too busy to start any projects (even though I have some ideas for concepts), or make any changes to my maps.

No one else is posting anything fairly new, too, so I see no point in posting much.
^same with me...
o_o Same with me.
Me too...
Nice to see you guys ^^
Actually I am also a bit unfocussed about mapping right now... Too many half (or rather less) done projects...
- (2)Any Map and (2)Blood and Iron competition maps...
- rework (3)Grains of sand
- rework and finish (4)Lilac Unicorns (Purple Pony remake)
- another (3)128x112 project with assimilator gates.
- a sandstorm-themed desert map
- a really nice twilight island map
- about three or so more three player map ideas...
- and make an observer version for (4)Roadkill...
Is it just me, or do the pictures not show up for the maps? Not just this one, but all maps?
I think everything was deleted....
All pictures and downloads..

modified by CrystalDrag
How? Someone hacked the site?
let's ask panschk
Not again :\
Have you mailed panschk yet?
wtf :/
I take that as a "no"... SO I'll do it...
I don't think I've ever met panschk.
He propbably went out into the real world a long time ago and realized how awesome it was.
\"I actually check up on BWMN almost every day, except that I\'m too busy to start any projects (even though I have some ideas for concepts), or make any changes to my maps.

No one else is posting anything fairly new, too, so I see no point in posting much.\"

Dito, nough said.

This is sad..
When I first discovered this map I was full of inspiration but time has torn apart my mapper-spirit.
This site is not to be forsaken! :(
It is not the first time we realise that the site is starving..any suggestions? Anyone who wants to cry with me, lol?

Downloads still work btw. Also the new map is supposed to be from panschk.
modified by Gnom
Im making a map using Installation tileset. I just found out that hatcheries dont produce creep. Is that the only problem?
You can't build on Installation at all.
There is one buildable tile in installation... Looks crappily blocky obviously. And, yes, installation tileset lacks creep tiles, hance any installation melee map is absolutely unfeasible for Zerg.
I am not even sure that one can even play an installation map in melee mode. I think you have to use UMS anyway.
I made a map on installation tileset. It's possible to paly it in melee mode, but just pvt, pvp and tvt. Because of the problem that Freakling just mention u.u
Ah, Thanks.
Who is responsible for the rating of maps?
modified by Cardinalallin
You are.
Your fault for not making it kewler.
modified by CrystalDrag
Fair enough.
modified by Cardinalallin
Don't worry about the rating system, there are good maps that people just screw around and give 0 rating for whatever reason. The rating system really has no value, Imo.

--Flisky and Cardinal + ? vs Noobs(1on1, 1.16)

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