asiantraceur | | |
Hey, so this is my second map that I've uploaded...I looked through a bunch of promaps and blizzard maps before making another map since my first one failed...I got the inspiration for this one from a Blizzard map(I kno most blizzard ones are imbo) but dont remember which one...not really any unique features, I was trying to go for a kinda standard map here...I guess most noticeable is the tar divide which is why i named it New yah any tips on how to improve would be appreciated...oh yah was going for rotational symmetry... |
NegativeZero | | |
Some ideas to consider:
-There aren\'t enough bases. Try adding gas to the top left/bottom right bases and then adding min only bases below the top main and above the bottom main.
-The paths through the middle are extremely choked. If a mech terran manages to get a good defensive position with tanks at the 2 middle high grounds pretty much no ground army could ever break through - plus terran would be up 2 bases. Either add a wide path through the center or make those side ramps significantly wider (at least 3 or 4 width rather than 1). You should also probably remove the high compound on those side high ground areas as well.
-Natural is too far back from the main ramp - sunkens placed on the creep at the nat will not be able to defend the ramp.
-Mains seem a bit small.
-Gas placement for mining rate doesn\'t really matter for bases other than the mains - better to make it symmetrical.
Edit: Some more stuff I noticed after looking at it in scmdraft.
-There are only 5 mineral patches at the bottom right base but 6 in the top left
-Entrances to those 2 bases are probably too small, especially since there is only 1 entrance to each base
-Random unbuildable terrain behind mineral lines is not good (can't build turrets) modified by NegativeZero |
asiantraceur | | |
Thanks Ill use your suggestions as soon as I get back home...
-I think this will work so yah gonna add/fix those bases
-Gonna widen the ramps...should it be widened on both the top and bottom?
-Ill move the ramp closer to the nat and try to move the nat a bit more close in the middle
-I think the mains decent sized but Ill play a few games when I have time and see how it feels
-K thanks Ill fix the symmetry...
-Oops did not notice that Ill make it 6 on both top and bottom
-Ill widen it a bit and maybe add a backdoor blocked by a mineral to the main?
-It looks unbuildable but I think it is...Ill test it...
Thanks for the feedback |
asiantraceur | | |
So I updated it with the above changes...Im going to test it out as soon as I have time(probably sometime next week) and then Ill change it depending on how well it plays...any other feedback would be appreciated... |
asiantraceur | | |
Oh lol and my bad part of the terrain was unbuildable there so I fixed that... |
NegativeZero | | |
Definitely much better now. However, I noticed that the mains only have 8 mineral patches (9 is standard). Also, I still think the buildings on the side high-grounds need to be removed since those 2 areas need to be large enough to move late-game armies through them.
Naturals look really big too, you should turn part of the area into an overlord pod.
Also I'm not sure yet, but it might be an interesting idea to have a very small path through the middle for counterattacks and stuff. |
asiantraceur | | |
Lol yah Ill add another patch of minerals to the mains normally I do 9 just wasnt thinking this time...
Prolly also going to remove the building agree with you that they arent really needed
I think Ill add an OV spot either in the spot at the main or next to the high ground on the side...
Yah I thought about having a small bridge/path through the center but Im not going to change that until after I play some games on it to see how it feels... |
asiantraceur | | |
Well above ideas have been implemented...I think I mightve made the ov spots to awkward... |
NegativeZero | | |
No, they're fine.
Double choke at the natural seems a bit weird, maybe remove the outer one.
Also randomize minerals. |
asiantraceur | | |
So I fixed the choke removed the outer one since it made more sense...randomized minerals so itll look pretty
Also moved the gas in the nats and the 'neutrals', origionally the naturals had the gas in the corner, now its top/bottom and the neutrals have gas in the corner now...considering making a backdoor ramp into the third gas from the main not sure yet tho... |