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Last update for (2)Checkpoint : 2013, 01, 28 00:34
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4540 (2)Checkpoint 128*128CardinalAllin2.4betaground

The map has been rated 23 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

EDIT by Cardinalallin: 9th November 2012
Version 1.0 Checkpoint
A 1v1 map.

1. One depot and one barracks will wall the main against zerglings.

2. In the observer version, the map is greyed out so the layout of bases and terrain is visible to everyone.

More Pictures here

17th November, 2012
Uploaded Version 1.01
-added a doodad in the naturals

Nice map :D Im not that good at finding problems in maps but in TvP, when Terran\\\\\\\'s pushing during vertical spawn positions, wouldnt they be able to secure the 3/9 positions during their push giving them an advantage?
modified by Freakling

modified by asiantraceur
Oh wait a minute, this reminds me of Ground Zero.
The problem of this map is blatantly obvious: it\'s axially symmetrical, but has nats and 3rds like a rotationally symmetric map.
Having cliffs behind horizontal expos, but not behind vertical ones further exacerbates the positional imbalances caused by this.
Furthermore there should be some bridge terrain in the centre region, having everything buildable makes terran pretty nasty, especially if pushing paths are rather short and direct like is this map. Nevermind, I have realized from the gallery picture that the middle is actually unbuildable. Adding some bridge terrain would still be a good idea, to spice the looks a bit up.

Apart from that - yeah, totally Ground Zero frozen over...
modified by Freakling
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...wait, what? This symmetry is really odd and will probably lead to positional imbalances.

Edit: Didn't realize it was a 2p map - in that case it's fine, although you could probably come up with a more interesting use of space for the right side than just mostly mirroring the left.
modified by NegativeZero
Fml I just realized this was a two player map lool thought it was a 4p...also Ground Zero (or was it neo Ground Zero) had 12/6 islands right? But yah other than that its pretty much GZ
Os it's a 4p map with two SLs taken out...
Ground Zero has no islands. Neo Ground Zero has bottom/top expos without gas.
17th November 2012
Uploaded Version 1.01
-Added a doodad in the naturals

If someone could just edit the OP so the above message appears under the link to the pictures that would be great. Thanks.

Hope you guys enjoy!
modified by CardinalAllin
26th January 2013
Uploaded Version 1.02
-Tighter entrance to naturals (6 tiles)
-Tighter entrance to third (6 tiles)
-Added depleted minerals
-Changed mineral formations at naturals, thirds, and 2nd naturals
-Added neutral eggs at 3rds and 2nd naturals
The eggs to selectively block expansions for terran?
And why the depleted minerals?
modified by Freakling
The eggs protect the townhalls from melee attack.
Its to address PvZ cracklings sniping the nexus too fast.
Minerals are for worker micro.
Its to address PvP storm drops killing too many probes. Also helps other matchups from drops. And they are useful when defending various attacks in various matchups.
modified by CardinalAllin
Ive had problems with googles album hosting so Ive signed up with Imgur now. Hopefully the images are working finally.
Heres a link to the album:

Checkpoint 1.02 gallery

modified by CardinalAllin
Are you a protoss player?
Those FFE wallins look kinda sketchy
Ha, no Im not a Protoss player.

Hmm, its interesting that you think the forge expands wall in is sketchy. To be honest, I dont know why I even bother including images with examples of building placement at all (for any matchup). It seems rather arbitrary that PvZ wall ins get special treatment when building placement is crucial in all matchups.
But anyway, I really dont mean to be rude but if you think the wall looks sketchy then you are wrong. The examples are the quintessential perfect PvZ wall in.

Just for completion, heres the South nat picture aswell:
modified by CardinalAllin
The wallins are fine, I think, unless lings can go through the doodads and the wall.

I think the right side of the map is a bit uninspired, though. It's just not very interesting at all and repetitive. Other than that, it looks solid.
You know what, Ive made a mistake with the north nat. Ill fix that.
EDIT: Ok done.
Just to clarify, the building placement is still correct in the north nat picture; the mistake was the doodad selection.
The bottom of a forge has a gap of 11 pixels so the doodad it touches has to have a fully unwalkable top edge. Its funny cus I had to play around quite a bit to get to bottom edge working, but forgot to check the top edge somehow ha.
BW quirks...
modified by CardinalAllin

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