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Last update for (4)[BWMN]Geml : 2023, 03, 18 23:00
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
4604 (4)[BWMN]Geml 128*128JungleTerrain; Freakling,CrystalDrag0.4betaground

The map has been rated 63 times and got a total of 23 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

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Changed Reds ramp as to make visually better while still maintaining one rax two depot wallins against zealots.
Fixed purples and blues ramp area being unable to wallin with one rax two depot against zealots
Natural overlord spots made bit more pleasing
Bridge tiles fixed
Editted some doodads to push them against cliffs/water edge.
Editted some high ruin tiles to prevent tanks cliffing behind doodads.
Added some unwalkable terrain in mineral gaps as to prevent workers bugging on the other side.
Fixed some ramp tiles to match their terrain levels.

Password is in the first post, so I dont forget it if someone needs to make an update. :)
Oh Freakling, on your article you didn\\\'t include this.. Does the terrain walkable/buildable tile affect worker mining? Like high dirt or high jungle? I think not, but need to make sure..
modified by CrystalDrag
modified by CrystalDrag
modified by CrystalDrag
If you could not rax-2depot-wallin zealot tight before, you did it wrong :( Do you really think I did not check for that?

Unwalkable terrain in mineral gaps is a terrible idea. If you found any remaining worker migration bugs, you should edit the formations themselves instead!

What do you mean by \"Fixed some ramp tiles to match their terrain levels\"?

For worker mining, whether the terrain under the resources is buildable or not does not matter.
However, it should be fully walkable, because...
- ...unwalkable terrain under minerals can lead to workers not automatically acquiring them for mining, and can even disrupt mining if you order them manually
- ...unwalkable terrain on the top left edge of the tile below the top left edge of the geyser tends to prevent building of a gathering building. This is intended for Assimilator gates, but needs to be avoided otherwise, of course.

The exact type of terrain in your expos has no influence on worker behaviour, i.e. one cannot hope to fix pathing bugs by just changing one\'s deco

However, Certain doodad tiles (like ramp or bridge tiles and some tiles belonging to partially unwalkable doodads) seem to have some influence on units crossing them, I guess those are some workarounds to prevent units from becoming stuck on those kind of obstacles...

Also there is a weird \"butterfly effect\" going on: some kind of general pathing map for a map is precalculated at gamestart, I think (I once made a map, that had so many possible paths for units to take, that it would crash the game with an error message, stating something along the lines that there were too many paths to be calculated for that map...), and changing terrain on some part of the map can have an influence on unit pathfinding somewhere else...
But since not even the developers of that mess of a pathfinding algorithm seem to fully understand, what they have created there, I think we can give up hope to get much predictable pathfinding on a map...

modified by Freakling
And lol about the password:

Either one has mod powers to make that post visible, in which case one does not need a password to edit the map in the first place, or one hasn't...
NW nat still has a huge dead spot behind the minerals, where units can be dropped, but that cannot be reached by melee units to defend.
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Edits at this post. Should redownload
\"NW nat still has a huge dead spot behind the minerals, where units can be dropped, but that cannot be reached by melee units to defend.\"
I have a very tough time distinguishing what is turret space and what is the dead spot... Ill Fix That.. so abosolutely no space behind the minerals?
Not everyone has admin powers..

If you are talking about the first picture, then that has been fixed... But i always can push the cliff towards the mineral line
modified by CrystalDrag
Already fixed the nat... And some remaining odd tank holes...

@Jungle: Your custom terrain and doodad spam are kind of haphazard... Makes it a major cause of headaches to debug...
You might want to reupload it; we might have uploaded simultaneously...
Really?... Ill look into it
The dead spot was your "workers cannot pass" picture. And your are right, worker glitch is probably a bigger concern here than drop defense, anyway, unless intended and on all positions these need to be fixed...
Who has no admin powers cannot unhide posts...
There is a tree doodad at SW that can be a tankhole.. but is pretty exposed so it shouldnt matter that much.
If anyone wanted to make an edit i could simply uninvisible it so they could copy paste the password
modified by CrystalDrag
"@Jungle: Your custom terrain and doodad spam are kind of haphazard... Makes it a major cause of headaches to debug..."

Lol... sorry guys. I like to play a lot with the terrain, like the bridge tiles on the cliffs and all that, but I don't ever think of the consequences it has.
I'm always trying to come up with slightly different ways of decorating my maps.
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Observer version for this?
Bump... ^
Cross Game done yet? I'd like to update both carryover maps in one go.
I should finish that tonight, have 3 tests today... I will post tomorrow.

What time do we use here?..
modified by CrystalDrag
updated with obs version.
There are two sneaky bridge tiles where the cliff should be at the SW overlord natural spot which i did not see.. Only saw it while playing vs AI
So you fixed it?
Fuck, forget it... I screwed up... Can you reupload your fixed up version? (the one from before, not whatever you did with this fucked up version...)
Shit. Don't have it...It was on the computer i am banned from i think.. I may have to refix.
Traceurling, do you happen to have the fixed version that i made?

modified by CrystalDrag
Fuck. I'll check. Get back to you when I get on a computer
Don't panic. It's not so urgent.
Well you cussed which you never do. :p
i maybe to fix it... unless you want to
modified by CrystalDrag
Hmm... I wanted to give JungleTerrain till next weekend to answer/finish Feel My Love. If he does not, I'll do it myself. If you haven't found any copy of the actual fixed version till then, I guess you'll need to do it all again :\
But doing work twice sucks...
I have an old version of this... I don\'t know what version tho.... Don't know if you guys want tht version I think it's pretty old...
modified by traceurling
upload it; I sent you the password in a PM. Better than what we have currently most likely
Is is newer than the BWMN Open version? Else don't bother... I think this one actually turns out to be the latest one of those...
yes... I can do the edits I did up there if not fixed and you need to work on FML
Nope sorry D: Versions I have are iCCup version and one from September :(
Ill fix this i guess. What are yall Skype accnts?
Go download melee Freakling... It should appear as "(4)BWMNGemlong1"
I got lazy because im sick of looking at this map in the editor, so i fixed what i striked out in the 2nd post of this.... You can feel free to the the ones i didnt care to do.
modified by CrystalDrag
Bump be sure to fix this freakling
Also there is a weird bird doodad in the NW main that isnt against the edge; fix that as well
modified by CrystalDrag
Will do
Done... Or at least I hope so @_@
Changed the naturals mineral formations so minerals face edge and geysers cliff...
Only problem i think is that NW natural gas has a diagonal return route to the geyser for zerg.
Have you tested gas mining rates?
Can you update the picture?
No i did not test the gas mining rates....
And no i cannot because i do not have picture quality + the BWMn logo
I have no idea what you refer to with "picture quality", but I made the logos available some time ago.

Too lazy. :D
I like the design of it!

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