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Last update for (2)Bunker 44 2.0 : 2007, 04, 12 12:43
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
474 (2)Bunker 44 2.0 96*128Travin2.5final

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

the second entry to sp3 if its allowed
Looks good, but "bunker" is absolutely the best description, after you can easily get a scv into the middle ring to build a bunker and a barrack in there, to kill your enemys ecoline.

And i also doubt that T gets this far after Z sends dozens of lings to him ^^ 6 pool should work very well.

What do you think?

Except that, the map looks interesting :)
I say you should either put a space in the main mineral line or put a wall there. Otherwise you'll have a lot of stupid pathing problems -_-
the pathing works very good unless, you select a bunch of units just above/below your mains and set them to move just above/below the other players minerals

i dont see that as a huge problem
and 1 sunk > bunk behind minerals so its not like ur auto dead vs it
how bout this for a strat travin.
5 scv barracks. lift cc and barack to inside area. send scvs to harrass. send first rine to harrass some more continue to rebuild if you havent won already.
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Watch rep on single player not online.
This map depends on unit AI and the ability of the player to make the units act smarter than they are. I hope the confusion for units and unexperienced players is not too big, because this map has some nice potential, although tvp looks hard for terran imo. No wallin+ the risk of getting canon rushed hard.
i tested pathing, and there was only problems with units trying to go where mineral was when you ordered them to move right to the enemys base from behind your own minerals
about the rep what do you expect vs a compter?
dronestack, sunk, anything can kill that marine
Actually terran gets owned with fast probefloat cannon behind minerals... t has to float rax beyond minerals and then p goes proxylots on the front instead :P
well then float rack build one marine then float rack back
But that takes time. Time you don't have on startup, don't you think? It's very easy for a P to get a probe there, but hard for T and his marines on both sides of the minerals.

As said, I don't think that T get's this far ingame.
okay just push a scv through or 2 then
If you find a way to make this balanced you have a great chance in winning this competition. but as it is now im not convinced that it isnt obviously imbalanced...
well i was thinking about putting doodads to block buildings on the other side of minerals but there are so few dirt doodads that blocks building so it will look awful
i had to do a awful lot of work in starforge to make it like this

you cant cannon behind main now you cant float that easy either

the 4 new mineral blockades have 300 in each
This concept is so weird, but every disadvantage for one race (for example no choke in pvz, which means to have to go for cannons) is neutralized by another advantage for the race (like in pvz the small ways)

it is unbelievable
great concept
I think if I'd gone for this idea, I had thrown it aside because I hadn't thought it could work in any way.
i looked at spors useless game against a computer on the map :P i feel the map perhaps is a bit big to pull of cheese strategies like this. i had a difficult time orientating on the map when i watched that rep anyways...
i dont quite understand what you mean with that

and i hope you have seen the newest changes, where you cant cannon/bunker cheese
I just realized that you can still get a marine behind your mineral line even easier by displacing him behind the minerals with scvs while keeping your barracks at your main. I'm going to go try it now.
Btw Marines and lings can just walk through on the 9 and 3 positions.
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Hihi, i could watch this gif for hours, dunno why ^^
lol me2
width=600 period
this gif is great^^ (good job of not letting the file size be too big)

Well, you will just need to add another mineral block, and the problem should be solved, right?
this marine was stacked over the minerals right?
Basically i built a marine ran him into the corner and then made a few scv mine where he stood. Then I sorta microed him over the minerals. Granted it took me a few tries, but i'm sure if I practiced it I could do it first try with 1 scv and 1 marine.

and yea I made the file size smaller for you guys. sorry about all those other pictures. -___-
travin your obs version is some very old version. Please keep them all up to date :/
ill try to fix that soon
i'd hop a probe over there, build a gate then goon and atak mins....
i'd hop a probe as well, but build my gates outside to attack you with zeals, while pylonprisoning your goon.

--SpoR vs LeviZerg(1on1, 1.13)

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