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Last update for (4)191014 100 : 2019, 10, 19 17:49
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
5144 (4)191014 100 128*128KM-0.2betaground

The map has been rated 25 times and got a total of 5 points

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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

I'm gonna name it 'black out'. 191014 100 is just map file's written date

symmetry is wrong in somewhere :(

concept : backyard, sight zero, ?
The tiles under the trees obscure vision?

or is it the tiles that are spammed at 12,3,6,9?
Pretty sure the tile spam is all vision blockers. I would like to see more of the slim barren tree doodads (snow terrain doodad sprites #22,23 [I think] the sane ones I use to indicate vision blockers, as they do not obstruct too much player vision on units and resemble SC2 LOS blockers) spammed around those areas.

I don't like the plain backdoor nats, that, on top of that, are tucked away completely safe in the corners. It's probably the most boring thing one could put in a map.

I haven't checked if new ramps have been post-edited to fix cliff vision…
JungleTerrain / the latter (if I understood your comment correctly). that 1x1 square tile is vision blocker.

Freakling / thanks for advice. I will use them in similar way that of (3)Whiteout (ASL official map)

too safe you mean? well, I agree with you but because of limited space and my poor designing, that seems to be difficult problem to solve in this map morphology.

I don't understand the last paragraph(my English is very poor). the remastered ramps still have bug in height transition? OMG
modified by zladldduzld
The new ramps have terrain level flags for the unwalkable cliff sections set to the lower ground for the most part, so units on the lower ground have vision up the cliff.

As for the natural, if you want to keep the backdoor setup What you could do is reshape the mains a bit and move nat minerals away from the edge of the map and put them on the outer, exposed side of the natural, ideally with a high ground cliff (maybe droppable) behind and enough space to drop a Reaver nearby, so it is vulnerable to drops and air harassment at least.
I love this one, I think its my favorite one

Really really nice

I would definitely add some sexy deco in the middle

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