| Back to "final" maps. Show all maps. Last update for (4)Kor : 2019, 10, 31 21:28
mapID | Mapname (comments) | map size | Author | Rating | Type | play type | 5154 | (4)Kor | 128*128 | TkTkVrooM | 0.3 | final | ground | The map has been rated 20 times and got a total of 5 points | <<>> You can rate the map here. Chose a grade between 10 (best) and 0 (worst).
JungleTerrain | | | What's with the tile spam O_o | Freakling | | | Oh man, so many new maps to comment on @_@ …
Yeah, mono tile spam is super ugly.
Ramps have various degrees of Swiss cheese syndrome, check the terrain level overlay.
Gas bases all look very hard to defend, I would get rid of or reduce some of the ramps/chokes. Gas positions on the double gas bases are kinda meh, I would exactly mirror the whole setup.
Pathfinding looks well thought out. Have you checked the rushing distances? In general, for this kind of layout, I would always push the naturals to the edge. |
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