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Last update for (2)Azure Dawn 1.1 : 2023, 06, 02 02:13
mapIDMapname (comments)map sizeAuthorRatingTypeplay type
5414 (2)Azure Dawn 1.1 128*96Suricatta2.5finalground

The map has been rated 22 times and got a total of 55 points


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Comments:   GMCS (0 elements)

0.6 First Upload, 18 March 2022:
-Standard 2p map
-Main bases have 9x1500 minerals and 5000 gas
-Naturals have 7x1500 minerals and 5000 gas
-6/12 o'clock bases have 8x1500 minerals and 5000 gas
-Mineral-only bases have 6x1500 minerals
-The remaining bases have 7x1500 minerals and 5000 gas

modified by Suricatta
0.6.1 Changelog, 26 March 2022:
-Fixed minerals in top left main being off-grid and preventing comsat from being built.
1.0 Changelog, 20 November 2022:
-Rearranged mineral lines on the majority of bases to improve mining efficiency.
-Increased the space between the minerals and geyser in the naturals by 1 tile.
-Added a gas geyser to the mineral only expansion at 2/8 o'clock, 5k gas.
-Decreased the size of the forward ramp to the 2/8 o'clock expansion
-Increased the space in the triangle third expansion.
-Reduced the size of the far ramp in the 6/12 o'clock expansions.
-Reduced the open area in the far side of the 6/12 o'clock expansions.
-Reduced size of the sunken ground area outside of the natural expansion.
-Fixed choke points at the naturals not being tight wallable in some locations.
-Fixed the choke point to the corner expansions not being 2-pylon wallable.
-Fixed the ramp width at the 11 o'clock expansion.
-Fixed buildable terrain slots in the crevice tiles.
-Fixed tank drop holes.
-Fixed unintended line-of-sight obscuring tiles near 6/12 o'clock expansions.
-Added building placement indicator tiles to some bases and ramps.
-Added decorations.
-Fixed some visuals.

23 February 2023:
-Fixed observer slots.
modified by Suricatta
1.1 Changelog, 1 June 2023:
-Added eggs to natural base choke points (now 7.5 tiles tall instead of 8).
-Added some additional unbuildable terrain near center bridge.
-Fixed top left main base not being ling-tight wallable with 2 depot + rax.

--Suricatta vs NicePants(1on1, 1.16)

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